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Two weeks. It had been two weeks since Colin first kissed me. I was happy. We had started hanging out on a every other night basis. It was a Monday night, and I was in Colin's rooms. I had my legs across his lap, his hands resting on my thighs. I sat listening to him tell me stories about playing shows with Dan Sperry and more.

"No way. I can't believe that you really were able to look at a guy and know that he showed up to class in his underwear once." I said, crossing my arms and leaning my head against the back of the couch.

"It's easy." He shrugged, smiling at me. I smiled back, shaking my head. We were interrupted by a knock on the door. I stood up and walked into the kitchen as Colin ran to the door.

"Mr. Cloud, good evening." It was Mr. Barr. I sighed, grabbing a water and pulling myself onto the counter top. I took out my phone and listened. "Did I see you had someone in here just now?" He asked, looking around. I froze. He saw me.

"Yessir. A student of mine has shown an interest in learning more about Psychology, and as it turns out, they are interested in my former job as well." He covered, leaning against the wall.

"Is this student male or female? I fear that her intentions may be not in psychology or your former job." The dean pointed out. I nearly scoffed.

"It's Rosaline Hansen, sir. I doubt she has much interest in any man except for Chase or Mr. Spencer." Colin answered, crossing his arms. I heard Mr. Barr hum.

"This had better not progress into anything more. You know the rules, Colin. Don't make me regret hiring you." The older man's tone suggested threat. I closed my eyes. Now I had more motivation to keep from getting caught.

"No trouble there. I promise you, nothing will come of this other than furthering her knowledge." Colin's voice was strong and genuine. If I did not know better, I would have fallen for it. Barr took it hook, line, and sinker.

"I take it she's in the kitchen." Mr. Barr's footsteps drew closer to the kitchen. I went back to my phone. "Good evening, Rose." I set my phone down and grinned.

"Yes! Hello, Mr. Barr." I smiled at him politely, discreetly looking behind him at Colin who leaned against the doorway.

"You don't need to hide in the kitchen anymore. It's alright." The man coaxed. I shook my head.

"No, thank you, sir. I'm enjoying being taller. I think I'm around six feet tall up here." I said, looking around. He laughed.

"Alright, Rose." His attention turned back to Colin. "Now, Mr. Cloud. As I was here for a purpose, I was hoping you would be one of the teachers to help out with setting up for the dance, and monitor everything." Colin glanced at me before nodding.

"Of course, Mr. Barr. I'd be delighted." He smiled with his answer. I shook my head and took a drink of my water.

"Wonderful! I will see you both again. Soon." Mr. Barr nodded to us both before walking out. Colin followed, showing him out. I heard the door shut. Colin walked back into the kitchen, moving my legs so he could stand between them. I laughed and hugged him, his arms snaking around my waist. I ran my fingers through his hair as he groaned.

"I hate my job sometimes." He complained, resting his head against my collar bone. I laughed, moving his hair back from his face. I then noticed something.

"You dye your hair." I pointed out, looking at how you could see his roots. He nodded. "You need to redye it." I told him, looking down at him. He sighed and looked up.

"I need to get a hair cut as well." He mentioned, leaning back, his hands going on either side of my body.

"I can dye your hair for you." I told him, putting my hands on his shoulders. He nodded.

"Alright. That sounds okay." He agreed, pecking my lips quickly.

"I think I'm going to go navy." He pulled me off the counter, letting me land slowly on the floor.

"That will look beautiful." He smiled, kissing me again. His kiss was deeper this time. I was eager to kiss back. We spent the rest of the evening making out. It was a nice evening.

Thursday night, Chase and I waited for Colin to join us.

"Okay," he sighed, falling onto my bed. He had a face scrub on for some reason as he fell onto my freshly made bed. "Hair dye in bowls. Towels on the toilet seat. Color protecting shampoo out." He rattled off as I turned on Spotify.

I nodded to him and went to lather hair dye in my own hair. I looked at the bowls. There was no indicator as to which color was which. I sighed, taking a gamble and grabbing a bowl. I put on the gloves and began to put the dye in my hair. I was halfway done my hair when I heard the door open. I ignored it and continued to put the dye in my hair. I felt a hand on my waist. I turned and smiled at Colin, my hands weaved in my hair.

"Hey." I greeted him, leaning to kiss him. He pressed his lips to mine, gripping my waist tightly. "I'll be done in a sec, then I'll do your hair."

"Noted." He smiled at me and kissed me deeper so I couldn't talk. I pulled away after a second.

"Go. Let me finish." I told him, grinning like a fool. He couldn't help himself but to full out grin, too.

"Okay." He sighed, turning and walking out. I heard Chase yell something but ignored him. I finished up five minutes later, calling Colin in to dye his hair. He brought in a metal chair, setting in up in the doorway. Twenty minutes later, Colin's hair was lathered in hair dye as well. I liked the new haircut. Much shorter and controlled. I took off the gloves and threw them away, sighing.

"I hate washing out my hair." I whined, pushing him out.

"Why do I have to leave?" He questioned, also having a whiny tone. I laughed.

"Because I'm taking my shirt off." I answered, still attempting to get him out of the bathroom.

"Oh. Well, I can help." He teased, smirking. I laughed and pushed him out all the way.

Later, both of us had washed out our hair, letting it dry naturally. Colin got up, walking to my mirror to look at his hair.

"Hey, Rose?" He turned to me. "Does my hair look a little blue to you?" He questioned. I looked closer before noticing where I had messed up. I walked over beside him, looking at my own hair. The streaks of blonde that were left over from my highlights were gone. My hair was pure black again. I laughed.

"Well, I'll be damned. I messed up." I said, still laughing. His eyes grew wide. "It'll be fine. It will blend and look black in most lighting. It's natural enough." I said, putting my hands on his chest. He sighed and regained his composure.

"Well, it'll be fine. It's dark enough." He leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. "Thank you." He said softly, kissing me again. I kissed back, letting one hand go up to his neck.

"Guys, sorry to interrupt. But in the words of Joey Tribbiani, you two need to pretend like there's nothing that I'm helping hide. I know nothing of this, so stop acting like I do." Chase said, bringing us back to reality. I sighed and stepped away from Colin.

"If you need anything, let me know." I told him, smiling. I put my hands behind my back and rocked on my heels.

"Actually," he started, grinning at me. "I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me on Saturday night." He asked, also putting his hands behind his back. "Go out of town, do something fun." I smiled.

"I would love to." I agreed.

"Fantastic!" He said, pulling me into a kiss. "I'll see you both tomorrow for class." He winked at me before leaving my dorm. Chase rolled his eyes.

"You're gonna get hurt." He reminded me. I sighed.

"Thanks, Chase." I collapsed on my bed next to him, winding up watching Friends for the rest of the night.

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