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Friday night, Chase and I sat in my room, getting ready for Hansen Live. I had everything ready, except Chase was too busy raiding my cabinets to sit down.

"So, Chase, you know Colin and I have that thing going on?" I called, knowing the person in the room next to me was out.

"Kinda hard not to." He said, walking back in.

"Well, uh, he and I kinda had sex in the back of my car last week. And then, we talked and we might go to Scotland together, and things are progressing, and we're going out again tomorrow night, and I don't know what is going to happen, and I'm happy, and Chase," I finally took a breath. "Chase, I think I'm in love."

"Wait," he held up a hand, sitting down in his green chair. "You two slept together?" He set his water and chips down. I nodded. "Well, this is something." He sat back and sighed.

"I'm in too deep, but I don't know if I'm in over my head or not." I closed my eyes and picked up my mic. "Sorry, didn't mean to throw this at you right before a show." I apologized, preparing to hit the button to record and start the live-stream.

"It's alright. You needed to talk. It's okay." Chase grabbed his mic, flipping it in his hand. "And Rose," I looked back at him. "Remember protection." He smirked at me. I laughed and hit the buttons.

"Alright, everyone. We're gonna read some emails and deal out some probably dreadful advice, but we're gonna do it anyways." I said, bringing it up on my iPad. "Okay, the subject line of this one says, "I got laid in the backseat of a car," to which I reply, me, too." Chase laughed.

"Remember, remember, the protection for your member." He chanted. I laughed as the email loaded.

"Hi guys, my name is Lucky, and I lost my virginity recently." I read. "Yo, I love that. Lucky got lucky." Chase nodded. "We had sex in the backseat of my car. It was kinda cramped, but it was fun. Unfortunately, now my car smells like sex, how do I get the smell out?" What a lovely tale. Well, congrats on that." I nodded.

"I don't have a car, never have." Chase said, "Uh, I've never had sex. Never even been around a girl. What do they smell like?" He joked. I laughed at his response.

"Uh, for the smell, leave the windows down overnight, then get one of those car things from Febreeze or something." I suggested hitting the next one.

"I'll read!" Chase yelled. I handed him the iPad. "The subject line is "Bikini Wax" which sounds appealing. I've been thinking about getting a bikini wax. Rose, will you wax my bikini?" I laughed, gesturing for him to read.

"Hey Chase and Rose, my name is Emily, and I have a story about my vag."

"Those are your favorite kind." I told Chase, chuckling. He sighed and continued. I dazed out of the story, half listening and then preparing to say something. Eventually the segment ended, and we finally got to end the show. I shut the programs down after saving and stood up.

"I want food. Can we go get real food?" I looked at my clock, it reading 10:36 at me. We had opted to do the show a little later to accommodate hanging out with Alex and Maria. I nodded to my friends request, grabbing everything I needed before we ran out the door.

We reached the bottom floor, tumbling out of the elevator. I laughed as we sprinted towards the door. I saw Colin and a taller man talking quietly. Colin was in his blue and black flannel, showing that he had just gotten back in. I thought nothing of it until it looked almost like he was crying. I didn't have a chance to ponder it anymore before Chase was pulling me out the door.

It was right before the midnight curfew that we got back in the building. Chase had been filled in on what I had seen. He hit the four button and the five button. I hugged him before getting off at the four level. I grabbed the hidden key and opened the door, just taking the key with me. I locked the door and went back into the bedroom. Colin sat on his laptop, not having heard me enter. I turned back and put my stuff down, sliding off my shoes as well. I walked back into the bedroom and climbed into bed next to him. He looked down at me, putting his arm around me.

"You can keep that key." He told me. I nodded and snuggled into his side. "Rosaline, you realize how late it is." He still had not looked at me.

"Yep, so I found it perfect time to come see you." I teased, but then sat up next to him. "I also wanted to come check if you were okay." I turned to face him. He nodded, shutting his laptop.

"I was out with my best friend, David. He was talking about performing. I miss it. I just-" he took a shaky breath. I placed my hand on his thigh as a sign of comfort. "I want to perform. I feel out of my game, out of my element here. I need to be back on stage." I nodded and leaned into him, rubbing his thigh gently. He sighed and leaned his head against my collar. He pulled me into his lap to be closer to me.

"Soon." I told him, gently running my fingers through his hair. My legs were on either side of his thighs, his hands on my back and running down to pull my waist closer to his. One thing led to another, and soon he had me pinned beneath him, kissing down my neck.

"I don't want you to think that I'm doing this because I'm upset." He murmured against my skin. I sat up, stopping his attack on my neck.

"I know. I want this." I told him, gently taking his hand. He smiled softly before leaning in and kissing me.

I glanced at the clock. Two in the morning. I couldn't stay overnight, as much as I wanted to. I hadn't fallen asleep, but Colin had. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, holding me close to his chest. I sighed and turned over to face him. I gently kissed him before moving his arms to slide out of his grasp.

"Where are you going?" He mumbled, half asleep.

"Colin, you know I can't stay. It'd look suspicious if I was walking out of your room at eight in the morning." I reminded him. He sighed but nodded.

"Right. Sorry. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, closing his eyes.

"Always." I said, finishing getting my clothes on. I turned and kissed him again. "I love you." He smiled.

"I love you, too, Rosaline." He turned over to go back to sleep as I walked out of his room. I grabbed my things and made my way to the stairs. I got up to my floor and began to walk back to my dorm. It was dead silent until I saw somebody.

"Rose!" Maria gasped. She had just shut the door to Chase's room.

"Maria? What were you doing in Chase's room?" I questioned. She faltered.

"We- uh- we- wait, why were you coming out of the stairway? Where have you been?" She crosses her arms.

"I snuck out for a bit. Just got back in." I lied. I had a slight reputation for sneaking out. She nodded, looking down.

"You won't tell Alex you saw me coming out of Chase's room, will you?" I shook my head.

"As long as you don't tell on me for sneaking out." I agreed. She smiled and hugged me before running off. I shook my head and continued down the hall.

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