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Zane POV

"You're releasing me?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Like I said, we could really use some inside information," Zach smirked, "But if you so dare to open your mouth about your eyes, where you've been, who took you or what we're planning, Michael here won't hesitate to kill whoever you talk to as well as your brother.  You don't want it to come to that now do you?"
I stayed seated against the wall.
Michael came with a potion in his hand.  Wait, that's Travis's dad, what if I talked to him about this.  He wouldn't kill his own son would he? But then there's Garroth, can I just lock him in a closet so Michael can't get to him?
Michael splashed himself with an invisibility potion and opened the cell door for me.
"What if I don't go?" I asked.
"Michael, just start dragging him until he sees things our way," Elizabeth sighed.

Garroth POV

It's been hours since we realized Zane was gone.  I was freaking out, what if something bad happened to him?! He never leaves without his phone!
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ZUZU'S GONE?!" Mom rushed into the living room to me.
"We can't find him anywhere! No one's seen him since 3 am!" I started crying.
Where is he?
Dad came to us grumbling, "What's all the commotion about? I'm trying to sleep!"
"Our son's missing!" Mom started sobbing into her hands.
"What do you mean? Garroth's right here," he looked clueless.
"Garte! Zuzu is missing!" Mom yelled at him.
"Isn't he traveling around the world or something?" he scratched his head.
"Wrong kid Dad," I mumbled.
Now I see what Zane meant about being my shadow.  Dad doesn't even know which of the others is Zane.
"You don't even know which of your children is which?!" Mom yelled again.
I heard a knock at the door and raced to it.  I opened the door and saw Zane with his hood pulled over his head.  He looked down and didn't make eye contact with anyone.
"ZANE!" I hugged him tightly, "Where were you?! We were so worried something bad happened!"

Zane POV

Don't tell him, it'll put him in danger and probably everyone else here.
"Nowhere," I walked past him after he finished hugging me.
I tried to go into my room but mom stopped me with a hug as well, "ZUZU! IF YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN I'LL EMBARRASS YOU IN FRONT OF KAWAII~CHAN WITH ALL OF YOUR BABY PHOTOS!" Mom cried hysterically.
Oh Irene she mentioned Kawaii~Chan! Please don't have Michael figure out that we're dating! She'll be in danger too!
I didn't say anything.
Garroth must've been suspicious, "Zane, can I see your eye?"
He walked closer to me but I didn't look up at him.  He sighed and crouched down.
"Oh thank Irene! I was scared your eye was going to be green!" Garroth got up and hugged me again.
I pushed him off, grabbed my phone from the table and locked myself in my room.
I sat down on my bed and opened my messages to Travis's name.  Should I even do this?  Maybe I'm risking to much.  I sighed and put my phone down.

I reached for my phone again and threw it outside into the water.


"Zane, who is this Kawaii~Chan to you?" Ein's voice echoed through my head.

"Kawaii~Chan and I started dating about a month ago and means a lot to me.  She's nice, sweet, caring and easy to talk to," I smiled.

"I think I found a new target," Ein laughed.

If he hurts Kawaii~Chan, I swear I'll end him!

"That's great brother! I wish you luck!" I jumped out of bed and started pacing back and forth.
There was a knock on my door and I opened it.  Garroth looked concerned.

"Zane, please answer me about where you were and why you're acting different.  I want to help but I don't know what's wrong," Garroth's eyes were glossy.

"Like I said before, I was nowhere and I'm acting the same as normal," I tried to shut the door closed but he stopped it.

"You're not acting normal Zane! Why won't you look up at me?! Why won't you tell me where you were?! You were just gone and you left your phone here, you never leave without your phone!" Garroth's face turned red, "Please Zane! All morning I was preying that you weren't dead and that nothing bad happened to you.  The least you could do is tell me what happened."
Another sharp pain traveled through my head.  I put my hand on ny head and grunted.
"Zane?!" Garroth panicked.
"I'm fine, it's just the headache from yesterday," I sat down on my bed and felt dizzy.
"You still have that headache? That was so long ago," Garroth sat down next to me puzzled.
"It's been off and on.  Do you mind if you leave me alone for awhile?" I sighed.
He got up and left.  I don't want there to be a chance that Michael goes after anyone, I'll probably accidentally tell them something I shouldn't.

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