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Zane POV

My eyes were wide open and I was breathing heavily.  Garroth tackled Michael to the ground and banged his head on the floor until he passed out.  Garroth got off of him and walked over to me and examined my cuts.
"Oh Irene Zane, are you OK?!" He started crying and hugged me tightly.
"Yeah we heard you and Travis yelling in here," Aphmau picked up the knife of of the ground.
"Speaking of, where is Travis?" Katelyn looked around the room in a panic.
"Zane, what's going on? What happened?" Garroth ended the hug and looked at the blood stain on his shirt where I was bleeding.
I shook my head at them and looked off to the side to avoid eye contact.
"DAMMIT ZANE! WHERE IS TRAVIS?!" Katelyn picked me up by my shirt collar and had me dangling a foot off the ground.
"Katelyn! Put him down!" Garroth shouted.
Katelyn didn't listen and only started yelling more, "ANSWER ME! WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!"
"Katelyn! Stop it, he's in pain!" Aphmau started yelling too.

"Put me down," I said calmly.
She put me down reluctantly.  I walked over to Aphmau and yanked tge knife out of her hand.

"Zane? What are you doing?" Aphmau asked quietly.

I kept my head down and walked over to Garroth, "Brother made his instructions very clear.  If I told anyone anything or if they found out, I'd have to kill you."
I looked up at him and smiled at him like a psychopathic serial killer.  His eyes grew wide as a sprinted over to him.


I tried to stab Garroth but he kept dodging it.

Ein! Please just stop! I can't take it anymore! If you want one of us dead than just kill me already!

Haha, you fool.  I can kill you at any time, you're weak.  Using you to kill off your brother might be the only way to do it.  Besides, making you suffer makes me happy.  Maybe I'll have you kill off Kawaii~Chan next.


"Oh are you scared Garroth? Don't want to hurt me but can't have me kill anyone? You're weak," I stabbed at Garroth again but he grabbed my fist which was holding the knife.
I struggled to break free but he kept a tight grip on me.

"Zane please! I want my brother back! You can fight the effects!" Garroth started crying again.

"You're not my brother you idiot!" I yelled at him.
Katelyn ran up to me and punched me in the face.
"You jerk! This is none of your business!" I turned my head towards her angry expression.

"Who in their right mind would ignore their friend about to be killed by his worthless brother?!" She gritted her teeth and stared at me.

"Worthless? WORTHLESS?! WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHO'S WORTHLESS?!" I tried harder to break free from Garroth's grip so I could attack the blue haired girl.
But Garroth still wouldn't let me go.
I started laughing like a maniac, "You're all doomed anyway! Why not give up and face a lesser punishment? Brother would be pleased to have more allies.  Nothing you do to me will make me stop trying to kill you all."

"Well you seem to be resilient," Aphmau mumbled.
"Has he gone mad?! Doesn't Zane know that he'll never be able to kill Garroth?!" Katelyn yelled.
"Stop saying that! That's not Zane!" Garroth glared at her.
"It sure looks like him," Katelyn crossed her arms, "Same emo personality and ugly face."
"SHUT UP KATELYN!" Garroth lost his temper and let go of my hand.

I saw my opportunity to kill him but tripped over something.  Aphmau was sitting in a chair that my ankle chained to.

"Sorry Zane, but until you get better you're stuck like this," Aphmau sighed.

The knife flew out of my hand when I fell and it was just out of reach.

I gasped for air and started coughing up blood.  My head filled with pain again.
"Zane!" Garroth rushed to me.
"Shut up! You're so loud and I have another headache!" I grumbled.
Tears rolled down my face and soaked into my mask which was hanging off of my face.
"Zane. Talk to us, what happened?" Aphmau said softly.
The sound of footsteps followed her question but it wasn't hers.  It came from the other end of the room but everyone was crowded around me. The footsteps stopped when they were hehind Garroth, "Oh I don't think he'll tell you what happened, am I right Zane?"

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