We Are Our Love

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        It was one of those types of days, where I didn't want anyone in my life. Not friends, siblings, my love; I no one to enter into my life at the moment. She just deactivated herself, and din't even say good-bye to me, or nothing. What was I to do with myself now? I was broken, torn, lost, empty... I wanted to just die for her at those moments. Then I remembered my friend told me about how she messaged him from you're account. I thought it was the brightest idea I ever thought of!

        I left you a message and when you finished your day at school, you returned my message, and we talked about it all. How she left, why she left, what happened to her to make her do that, everything of that. I wanted to try to email her, but she deactivated her emails too. Then I asked you if I could email her from your email. You didn't mind, because we both were in love, and wanted the best for us. So me and her sent our last emails, and then me finding out, she was gone for good. I balled and balled and balled for days upon end, wanting her back, and you were just there open arms, and everything, just to listen to all my bullshit I had to talk about. It was amazing to just be able to talk to someone, while I knew they didn't care about it at all, and just let me rant. It was the greatest thing ever to have for that.

        The weeks go by, and during those weeks you gave me your Kik, Skype, and number, and we just messaged and text back and forth, but everything that happened, and how our lives were going. You became like the closest thing to a friend that I had, since I was her friend, before we dated. What a feeling it was to have an amazing person as you to have to talk to, and have has good of a friends as you, while you didn't really consider it us as friends yet. Still though, it was amazing either way. 

        It was the a month of knowing you or so, and your boyfriend had just left you. Well you left him I think it was, but still, interesting things happened during that time you were on the point of leaving him. I say interesting, because during the points of the break up process, you actually started to like me. Like you started to fall for me. But I already had a girlfriend by that point, it was really inconvenient. I was really sad, because I had started to fall for you as well, and I just got together with this girl, to make you jealous. It was really bad timing to learn this all too. But still, I had gotten with this girl, and I didn't want to break her heart just like that. So I stayed through with her, til she left me. It was hard trying to like her back, which I found a way to with like a week left with her, and leaving my feelings behind for you, as well.

        After another month, she had left me, and I turned my ways back to you, as I knew you liked me, but you're friend thought other wise, as she tried to set you up with her cousin. I was heart broken, and couldn't figure out why everything was so shitty all of a sudden, and I just about lost it. Til I learned you were using your friends cousin, as a jealous maker person guy, so I'd get jealous about it. Guess what, it got me the most jealous I've ever been in, in my entire life. I was furious all the time through, and a bit after all that happened too. 

        In the very end though, we were both single, had no feelings for anyone else but each other. We just flirted for weeks upon weeks. Thursday, April 3rd, 2014, it was my time to make my move, and I ask you to be my one and only for potentially, the rest of our lives together. Immediately after I said that, you said yes, fast then a cheetah running for it's pray. It was like you were ready for my to ask it, which I think, is a good thing. So it started there, and the ride of our lives had begun. We began to FaceTime everyday, and nothing could stop us, what so ever!

        Two or three weeks ago though, our lives had the turn for the worst. I had gotten trouble with the police with some inappropriate pictures some chick sent me, that I never wanted, but still got in trouble for it. It was the worst thing that ever happened in our relationship by far. I had to create my own grounding which cut me off from all electronics, but worst of all, I couldn't talk to anyone, including you. Now of course I can't stand not talking to you, so I had to try to sneak around and talk to you of course! We were getting pretty sexual at some points of our talks, one time being the most sexual me and amy of my other girlfriends had ever been too, and we got caught, which pushed it to the end of my school year. Now we really couldn't talk, and that sucked ass. But at least now, changing everything and all that, we can now talk, with no one reading our conversations, or anything like that, and we can be us, and talk with no one to worry about. Of course lies had to be told also, but still, like I'd ever stop talking to you! 

        With only a week and a half left on my grounding now though, it's time to say good-bye for the time being, as we stop all conversations with each other, and I try to get everything back in my possession, so I can talk to you again, and we can finally FaceTime again also. I doubt I'll be able to do it, along with you as well, but it needs to be done, so we can go back to how it used to be. I already can imagine how sad you're going to be as I leave for this only little time, but still seeming like forever as well. The worst part, it all must be cut-off on our 2 month anniversary. Soon, though, we will be talking how used to be, FaceTiming how we used to be, and doing everything how we used to be!

        As now this is my good-bye note til next Saturday, I love you dearly Anna Grace, and will contact you immediately when I retrieve everything back in my possession. I will surely miss you my love. I love you Anna Grace... I love you more than can ever be told, nor ever could possibly imagine... 

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