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Friday went by almost as quickly as Thursday had gone. Hanzo stretched as he walked from his bedroom to his living room. He remembered his husband would be home any day now, and he felt almost excited. He never really felt happy or excited for James (his husband, remember?) to come home. He was mainly excited to go out and do things since he mostly stayed home, since he couldn't drive, and didn't know the area very well. Even though he had been a resident for some years now. Not to mention, Hanzo was lonely after all.

He wore a pale blue tank top with some black joggers, deciding to go on a jog. He put on some sun glasses and tied his hair up tightly, yet comfortably. He grabbed his phone and earbuds, and walked out the door.


As Hanzo returned from jogging, he spotted a strange looking man in his garden. He assumed it was the new gardener, but was cautious as he walked up to his garden.

"Hello? May I help you?" Hanzo asked, as he kept some distance from the man. He spoke confidently, yet it was laced with nervousness. "I'm looking for a Mr. Hughes-Shemayda?" He said, butchering Hanzo's last name.

"Its Shimada, how may I help you?" He asked, now less on guard than before.

"Well, the names Mccree, Jesse McCree. I'm the new gardener, and the previous Gardner told me I should introduce myself so ya don't call the cops or somethin." He said, chuckling and starching his neck. Hanzo smiled. "Nice to meet you, Mr. McCree. I was informed of your arrival." He said, scanning the man. He was taller than Hanzo, but around the same age. He had shaggy long hair with and beard to go with it, and wore a cowboy hat, a black t shirt, and some blue jeans. Hanzo was almost amused. He even sounded like a cowboy.

"Well I'll leave ya alone now, and get to work. Im only scheduled to come by every couple o'days, so ill be seeing ya now and then."

The two said thier goodbyes, and Hanzo went into his home, while Jesse went to work.


Hanzo felt his heart racing while he rushed into his house. He closed his door and peeked out through his window to watch the gardener from a distance. 'Is this weird?' He asked himself. He hadn't felt like this with many people. He decided to stop being nosy, and went to his bedroom to change. He wiped sweat from his face. "I should go for a swim to cool off." He said, to Koko, who had followed him into his room. She meowed almost in agreement, which made hanzo laugh. He changed into some unnecessarily short swim shorts, and brought his towel with him. He slipped on some flip flops before opening his sliding glass door which lead to his pool.

Hanzo felt a little awkward, now realizing that the new gardener, Jesse, was still working in the garden, not too far from the pool. He decided it was best to ignore him, and carry on. He played some music and began to swim.


Jesse was working in the garden when he noticed the owner of the house walk outside. At first he didn't even look in his direction, but he soon started to play music. He tried not to pay any mind to him, but couldn't look away from him. 'Hot dam, that man is fuckin gorgeous.' He thought to himself, blushing slightly. He noticed Hanzo glance at him, before he took off his towel. Jesse awkwardly waved and continued to work. Internally freaking out, and wholeheartedly appreciating this man, Jesse tried his hardest to work without getting distracted. It almost worked. Until Hanzo got out of the pool and started to walk around the garden.

'Shit is he comin over here??' Jesse thought to himself. He would be lying if he said he wasnt panicking on the inside. But sure enough, Hanzo had approached him.

"Hello Jesse. I dont mean to bother you, but I usually just walk around when im drying off. Dont let me distract you from your work." he says, a handsome smile on his face, and smoothness laced into his words. Jesse almost couldnt believe that this was the same man he had met earlier.

"It aint a problem, Mr, im just about done anyway." Jesse said, smiling a nervous smile and setting pots of flowers down, and dusting his handa off.

"Well then, i hope you enjoyed your first day. Would you like to come in for some tea?" Hanzo questions, thinking it would be rude not to offer anything to such a hard working man. Jesse could feel himself getting flustered, amd tripping over his own thoughts.

"Heh, well im-uh I would love to stay for-um some tea, but i dont mean to intrude." he finally got out. Hanzo smiled and nodded. "Not to worry. Youre not intruding, but I wont force you to have tea." He said.
"Perhaps next time." he said again. Jesse nodded,  and tippwd his hat to Hanzo as he was leaving. "Till next time." he says. Hanzo going back inside, and taking a shower.

"Until next time."

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