track three. wait, what?

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mijin hopped out of her bed that morning, feeling shaky. the fact that the figure didn't say anything, and just loomed over her for what felt like hours would probably haunt her for the rest of the day. but she knew she couldn't think about it the whole time, it was her first day of her first job in seoul. sure, mijin was excited, she was going to get money, but relaxing all day was also nice. she got to write random little thoughts down for songs and chords she thought of for her piano. the only reason why she was here was because she hoped she'd have a bigger chance of being able to do what she loves, which is music.

her clothes were already hung up on her doorknob, so she walked over and grabbed them and made her way to the bathroom. it was late november, and it was definitely getting chilly in seoul. so, she had laid out a cream coloured knit sweater and some high waisted jeans she could tuck it into. there were also faux leather boots with small heels that she had planned on wearing. the outfit was based on hipster like fashion, so mijin planned on also wearing some fake glasses. working at a cafe, you would probably see a whole ton of people walk in dressed like that on a day to day basis.

mijin quickly hopped in the shower and washed up, and then got out and blow dried her long, brown hair. afterwards, she got her outfit on and then did her hair and makeup. it was a casual look, light makeup and wavy hair. after about an hour all together, she was ready.

mijin walked out to her kitchen and quickly grabbed a banana muffin, and then left her apartment. when she walked out to the hall, the first thing she thought of was her dream. this was where minghao had grabbed her hand, and it had felt so real.

she made her way to the elevator and waited for the doors to open. it didn't take too long before they did, and an older man exited the elevator. mijin entered the elevator and pressed the button. the elevator music played and mijin dance a little bit along to it, which was a common occurrence for her. when the elevator got to her floor, she stopped dancing and left the building.

mijin didn't have a car, but she was lucky that the cafe was new her apartment building, so she walked down the road while listening to some music. it had always felt like a music video when she walked down the street with her earbuds in, and she felt very sassy and powerful. but, of course, she just played it off as if it was nothing. the public wouldn't enjoy her singing and dancing down the street.

when mijin entered the cafe, she took in the scent of coffee and muffins. it was a very beautiful cafe, with wooden flooring and white walls. the seemed to have people who were good at keeping the cafe clean, as there seemed to be almost not a single spot of dirt anywhere. there were a few people sitting down at tables, either working on their laptops or talking with their friends.

a girl about her age with purple hair and glasses walked up to mijin, "are you choi mijin?" she asked, looking down at a piece of paper.

mijin nodded, "yeah, that'll be me."

the girl looked up at her, and mijin noticed that she looked foreign. western, to be exact. there were freckles dusted across her nose and she had very sharp features, and of course, the wide eyes of someone who was born to western parents. her korean pronunciation wasn't completely amazing, though it wasn't terrible.

she gave her a smile, "alright, follow me." the girl began to guide mijin behind the counter and into a back room, "my name is chelsea, and i'm the assistant manager." chelsea turned around and smiled at her once again, "i'll go and grab someone who can help you with the basics." and then chelsea walked away.

chelsea, mijin repeated the name in her head, "chulsee..." she said it under her breath. western names were so odd, and it would definitely take some practice to get that name right.

chelsea entered again, with someone trailing behind her. mijin couldn't see their face, but it looked like a boy. his hair seemed sort of familiar, it seemed to be dyed blond and curly. minghao's hair was like that in her dream. mijin felt like laughing, it could never be minghao, that boy was fake.

"alright mijin, this is minghao, he'll be helping you over the next few days with certain drinks and grasping the basics," chelsea introduced him, as she stepped to the side to reveal him.

mijin's eyes widened, and she could have sworn she saw minghao's eyes widen as well, but she quickly went back to normal and nodded. that was minghao. it was one hundred percent minghao from her dream. he looked exactly the same, same hair, same adorable face and same tall height.

"uh, hi," minghao said awkwardly.

"...hi," mijin gave him a small smile.

"alright, i'll leave you two to it," chelsea said, and left the room.

this is insane.

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