The Boy Who Survived Sherlock

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It all started a few doors down.

With Murder. Harry had only been two at the time and didn't really understand. On top of it, every time someone came over to the Dursley's to talk about it he was forced under the stairs once again, and he didn't mind occasionally. Grown ups were so mean sometimes he didn't want to be around them anyways. He just hoped his mom and dad would come back and get him soon.

He had been in there once again, playing with toy cars Dudley hadn't wanted, so they gave to him. It was the nicest thing he had ever gotten from them. They were still shiny and new, and the red and blue paint glistened in the dull light under the stairs.

Then the door opened and he looked up and saw a man. A man with extremely curly hair, a blue scarf, and a black jacket.

"Can I come out now?" Harry asked. His glasses barely staying on his head, and his scar quite prominent still at his young age.

"Yes, yes come out." The man said and Harry smiled. Maybe not all grown ups were mean. The man looked him over, noticing how thin the boy was, and how his clothes didn't fit properly. He noticed the bruises on his wrist from being tossed into the miserable excuse of a room. "What's your name?" The man asked, bending down to Harry's level.

"Harry... Harry Potter." He uttered out nervously.

"Where are your parents?"

"They were in a car crash." He recited what his aunt and uncle had told him endless times. The man's expression softened, but only slightly. A grumbling noise came from Harry that was loud, and the man looked at the boy again.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"I think it was yesterday." The boy said, before hearing someone speak behind the man.

"Oh god, Sherlock..."
"I know." The man said, and Harry laughed.

"That's a funny name. I like it." Harry said, and Sherlock felt he couldn't do anything but smile. It was tiny, hardly noticeable to most, but was noticeable to Harry.

"John. Get Lestrade over here." Sherlock said, and John nodded.Within moments there were police officers and strange men all over the place. Many were very nice and asked him a lot about him and what happened with the Dursleys. They asked about his scar, and if he wanted to leave here. All he could do was say yes. That was what he wanted more then anything. A woman was talking to him then, and he noticed her knees.

"Your knees look sore." And he heard Sherlock burst out laughing. "What?" He asked, and the woman blushed. "It's nothing sweetheart." She said, a pink colour flooding her cheeks.

"John! Let's keep him." Sherlock said.

"He's not a puppy Sherlock."

"No! Look at him! He's smart, he's honest, he notices things, besides, you're a doctor. You can make sure he heals well from all this." He said.

"And we have Mrs. Hudson. Between the three of us the kid would be brilliant!" He said. John seemed unsure.

"I'll stop shooting walls." Harry was pretty sure he heard Sherlock mutter. John seemed won over by that statement, and agreed to keep Harry there with them.

So Harry ended up brought to London, to a place called 221b Baker Street. He was given a bedroom in Mrs. Hudson's suite, who was a very sweet woman, but as Mrs. Hudson was hard for the two year old to say, he just called her gran.

Things got a lot better then they had been. Sherlock wasn't always the warmest man, but he did seem a bit softer around the small child, and John was more then willing to make up for what Sherlock lacked. Sherlock seemed more focused on educating the child then actually caring for him.
It started off with games like Clue, in which the rules were thrown out the window and Sherlock had made the game much more complicated then the original.
At first Harry was no good at it at all, which would lead to him crying, John comforting him and offering to take him out for ice cream, to which Sherlock demanded he couldn't leave until he figured it out. However John never let it go on for more the ten minutes before leaving Sherlock annoyed as ever.

Then Harry began getting good. It started when he forced Sherlock to do it a few times, refusing to do it himself because he wasn't even sure Sherlock himself could do it.
After watching Sherlock a few times Harry was catching on to what he had to focus on. Occasionally after that he would get to witness the look of surprise on Sherlock's face as Harry got everything right.
On days like that he would be rewarded with John, Sherlock and himself all going for ice cream, and then doing something fun of Harry's choice.

Then Sherlock made it harder. He would find existing murder cases that he had already solved and ask Harry to solve them. Once again they were harder, but after a while he got the hang of it, and once again would be rewarded.

After a while Sherlock began dragging him to actual crime scenes.
He was always careful to leave Harry at home when it could be dangerous, but when all the police were around he wasn't concerned. After all, worst comes to worst Lestrade would take care of making sure the boy was safe. Even though the first few times the deaths had been unnerving, it wasn't long before Harry found himself happy to be helping. His shorter stature even made it easier, and the two were very good at making sure no one knew Harry was with them or someone they could use to get to them.

Of course, every so often weird things would happen, things none of them could explain, but they always told Harry not to be afraid, that occasionally things happen, and that it wasn't anything he should feel upset about. Even so, Harry could tell they were somewhat concerned as well.

They had no idea about the other side, where people cheered the boy's name, and told their children stories of this boy they had so kindly taken into their home.

Yes, this was his home now, and for the first time for as long as he could remember, he knew he was happy.


Author's notes: This was a request from a Facebook page I manage. Feel free to send me requests or prompts! I hope you enjoy these stories! Please let me know what you think. If you like this story and want to support it to keep it going, click on that vote button. You can join the Angel family by following me here and on my Facebook "Locket Angel" to get updates on how progress is going on many project. Comments, questions, or concerns? Feel free to contact me :) I do not own Harry Potter or Sherlock, nor do I think anything needs to be changed from the originals (Unless I change it, but it's my version of the story :P) I love both very much. This is just for fun.

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