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Hey everyone.

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted.
I am working on the next chapter now, however, my dog is very sick and we likely have to put her down soon. This is definitely putting a huge dent on my ability to be creative.

On top of that, with Coronavirus causing the world to come to a stand still, it's been hard.

But I am NOT done this book. I will be posting, I will be coming back soon, and I will give it the proper ending it deserves.

I am so grateful to all of you who have read this story and stuck by me through all this.

If you like my writing or how I create, you might be interested to know I am on Tiktok as part of the OC Cosplay community.

I'm not creating much for new content there, but I will soon start up again, once I can. When I do, you can find my content at locket.angel over on Tiktok. I'm 61 followers from being able to livestream.

So things are rough for me, but they'll get better eventually, and when I can creatively function again, I'll be back and writing for all you lovely people.

Stay safe, stay home, and stay well ❤️

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