Update - Thank You

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Hey, I know I'm super slow to update, but I had some stuff I wanted to say.

Since publishing my last chapter, which wasn't that long ago comparatively, I've gained 2,000 more reads at least, got up to 1,000 votes, and got back into the top 100 Sherlock stories.

Edit: upon finishing this chapter, Wattpad informed me that this story is somehow eligible for the Watty Awards. I entered. Probably won't win cause my posting schedule is garbage and I'm far from professional with this, but worth a shot, right?

I wanted to say to you all, Thank you so much for reading my story and for sticking with it even though being scheduled with this has never been something I've succeeded on.

To be honest, sometimes I've all the inspiration in the world, and sometimes it's gone. I've been writing this story for a long time now. It started off as a request someone on a facebook page made when I started on this website, and it grew so much larger than I ever imagined.

I'm still working on future chapters, but I'm also working on some of my own things.

I'm currently learning video game development and working on that quite a bit. It eats up a lot of my time, but it's also what makes me happy.

I know a lot of you would probably rather I post more often, but I want to give you all a good story, and sometimes that doesn't mean a fast story.

My hope is eventually I can work my way through, maybe even into other books, but for now I'm just doing this one.

I really enjoyed writing my own chapter, and of course we have a secondary plot now. Haven't decided if it'll be wrapped up in this book or if it'll be a longer plot... hard to say.

But anyways, I just wanted to write this little love letter to you all, to let you know how much I appreciate you. How much seeing your comments and your joy brightens even my worst days.

I love you all and I hope to give you more of these adventures soon!

Until next time,

Locket Angel

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