You know she loves you

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It is 2 weeks since Kion decided to leave and live for himself, but one day Kion had a weird feeling

Kion: I am so stupid Fuli love me and I love her. Maybe that's how I can get my anger away!

Kion: There is only one way to find out!

He says and decides to find Fuli and say how he feels about her. But that was easier said than done. Scar arrives in front of Kion

Kion: Huh? This can't be!

Scar: Aren't you happy to see me?

He laughs

Kion: No you are not here I am just hallucinating! 

And he was right Scar wasn't really there

Kion: Woaw I really need to get this anger out of me right now

He shakes his head and tries to find Fuli

After a few miles he sees her with the Guard 

Kion: Fuli wait!

Fuli: Kion?!

She turns around and bumps into Kion

Kion is on top of Fuli

Kion: I am so sorry Fuli I shouldn't have run away from you. I love you Fuli!

He smiles at her

Fuli: I love you too Kion!

They begin to kiss

Kion: Woaw. Hey it worked I don't feel evil anymore!

He shouts happy

Fuli: It did? I mean I am so happy!

The other from the Guard just stares at Kion and Fuli and can't close their mouths

Kion: Ah come one guys you knew I loved her!

He laughs at them

Ono: Well at least you are back Kion

He smiles

Kion: Sure is, and it feels good

Bunga: So you two are?

Kion: Exactly Bunga!

He says while he have a warm fussy feeling inside him


Fuli: So you really love me Kion?

She smiles

Kion: Sure does Fuli

He smiles back

Kion: Thank  you Fuli

Fuli: For what?

Kion: For still believing there was good in me!

He nuzzles her

Fuli: No problem, i'm just happy that you are okay and that we are together!

Kion: Me too

Then Kion realise something

Kion: Heyvi Kebisa! I must tell my dad that i'm back again!

He starts to run but Fuli tells him something

Fuli: Just please be carefull Kion!

Kion: I will I promise!

He arrives at Pride Rock. He takes a deep breath and walks up to see his dad

Kion: Dad?

Simba hears Kion and pins him down growling at him

Kion: Dad please don't i'm back to normal!

Kion: I can prove it

He give his father a big hug and nuzzles him

Simba: You are back my son!

He nuzzles him back

Simba: I'm so glad that you are back my son

Kion: Me too dad!

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