Black Stones

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[This story has been written in collaboration with Vanya Suri as a true ghost story of her grandma.]

Hey everybody , enough imagination now. Lets meet Vanya. She's gonna tell you a paranormal short story of her grandma.

       Friends , I'm Vanya Suri. Let's start the story.

       One day , my grandma was returning from her friend's home at late night. She had taken her son & daughter with her too. After walking sometime , they reached a quiet place. There were two roads for getting home. One was a short cut and the other was a long way. The next day , my father and her sister had to go school ad hoc she chose short cut for going. The short cut was very very haunted. She was stopped by many people but she said: No! I'll go from this road only. I have to reach hone ASAP. So she went on.

       In the mid-way , while they're walking , someone put hand on their shoulders. The threesome were extremely scared. My grandma said: Don't look behind at any cost.  Never look behind children.  Grandma took out a magical necklace of magical black stones and made it roam behind them. Over suddenly, the necklace and the hand-touch disappeared. They ran as fast as possible and finally reached home.

      Thanks Vanya...I think it would be so scary....But I ain't tryna believe this cause I don't believe in ghosts! !

             - Maaha Rasheed

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