PART 1 : How you met

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Hi this is my first story and probably my only one that im going to make! YAY   SO just to get started : for those who don't know

(y/n) = your name

(y/s) = your surname



It was a bright and sunny day on the Caribbean. (Y/n) was a quite known pirate. She was most known by the English. Who were chasing her that day. She ran and ran away as possible from the soldiers who wanted to hang her for her "treasons against the crown" but honestly she did nothing wrong.... ok maybe she might have stole from the queen and killed a couple of people but hey that's the life of a pirate. She ran until she realised that she got to the port she looked around for her ship but noticed that her crew had left without her. She started to panic until she noticed one of the ships was just about to leave the port. That ship was painted all black and it had a black and white pirate flag. Looking behind her she noticed the soldiers where catching up to her, looking back at the ship that started to leave the port and sail away she made a decision and ran towards the edge of the docks towards the ship. Just as she got to the edge she jumped for the ship and just barely managed to grab onto the net at the side of the ship. (Y/n) looked back at the english soldiers and smirked at her victory ,she then proceeded to climb up and onto the ship. (Y/n) took one last look at the soldiers who wanted her dead she then to look at the ship but when she turned around, she saw the whole crew of the ship staring at her. All she could do was wave and say "hi".

Then a guy who looked like the captain of the ship walked over to her.  When he walked, over drew his sword and pointed it at (y/n)'s neck he asked " what are you doing on my ship?"  looking at the sword that was pointed at her neck then back to the capitain, (y/n) calmly replied "I was running from the English soldiers and i say your ship as an escape ".  He replied " well now that you are on MY ship what are you going to do?" (Y/n) thought about that but she wasn't acctualy quite sure what she's going to do next. All she replied was "Im not sure". He just stood there but after a few minutes he replied " well now that you are on my ship you can become part of the crew ". (Y/n) actually liked the idea so she agreed. The captain said " By the way my name is Jack Sparrow , and Im the captain!"

He started walking away, but then he stopped and walked back to you. "wait what's your name ?" he asked. "my name is (y/n), (y/n)(y/s) " you said. Jack Sparrow said " Well (y/n)(y/s) welcome to the BLACK PEARL." Jack started to walk away from (y/n) towards the steering wheel just then mister Gibbs said to Jack "cap'n is it a good idea to have a women on board? its bad luck" to that jack just replied "Im sure". 

And that's how your journey began!



author-chan: Hi everyone i hope you like how the story is going so far.

This story has a co-author:


go follow, she's amazing and she's going to make this story probably better <3

gothica: excuse me?! author-chan i am going to make this story better not probably but definatly.....sheesh

gothica: anyway hello i am the new co-author and yes if i have to i will make author-chan update more frequently just for you so enjoy.

gothica:  Im going to be editing her chapters and making new ones so enjoy a better version of the story.

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