All Great

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"New school?" Mia with a look of disappointment. Well not really 7th grade! The middle school. Same town, Same people, Same old life. She says in her head.
See Mia was a smaller girl in her school. She always got picked on, and alway laughed at,school was a nightmare. Alway ran away from people, well really her bully. Trinity.
Trinity was her friend in second to 3th grade. Then Trinity started to hang with her new boyfriend, well her boyfriend now that she is in 7th grade and Mia was never cool, because she alway had straight A's, and glasses, people called her, four eyes, ugly and a human calculator. But all for it stoped in sixth grade. When Mia made a new friend Aivianna, Ashley, and Vicky.
Aive, for short was form boaz, and Ashley was from Cossville, but Vicky was from Rossville like Mia. It was nice having someone there at lunch and in class. They are all a really good team together. All four of them was like paper and glue, but Vicky and Ashley moved to Tennessee and then Aive stayed for one year and then moved back to boaz.
So Mia was starting the year off with all of her friends gone, and no one to talk to. So she started to focus on school, because school was not easy for her like it was for the other kids, she had dyslexia and A.D.D , it made everything hard to read and for her to pay attention to one thing very long .
So first day, She walked in the doors with her schedule in she right hand and her phone in her left, in her mind she wanted to die, no friends was all she think about it, it make her more and more upset. So she started to her first class and then she sees him staring at her. As she looked in his eyes she could see something so familiar about his face, something just looked like she knew him, and then it hit her, it was ASHTON , the guy who was friends with her and Trinity in second grade and his family moved in 3rd grade. By this time it was 4th. Science with Mrs.Green.

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