Chapter Two: Fate

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm in the morning. I stretch out wide on my bed still tired since I woke up in the middle of the night. I sit up on the side of my bed and stand. A chill creeps it's way up my body as my feet touches the floor. “Good morning Elena”. Victoria says to me. “Good morning Vicky how was your night?" “Must you call me that? You know I despise that name ever since you made it up.” She said. I roll my eyes “well you should be used to it by now I'm not going to change it anytime soon." “Can we just go on our run now?" She whines to me. I roll my eyes and head into the bathroom. When I get inside the bathroom I cut on the shower and make sure the water is warm. Then I take off my tank top and pajamas I wore to bed. Then I step in the shower at first I just stand there and relish in the way the water cascade down my body. Then I grab the soap and wash my hair and the rest of my body.

Once I get out I wrap a towel around me and go back into my room. I walk over to my drawer and look for some clothes. Since I don't really feel like dressing up for school today I grab some jogging pants and a sports bra, I also grab my thin sports jacket so I can cover up the upper part of my body in class. Now that I'm dressed I open the door and walk into the living room I really don't consider it a living room because it's so dull and bland but when you have a roommate that doesn't like to help with the work you just go with it. Anyway it's basically set up like this. It is a wide room really but all we have in here is a silver couch that I bought online and a twenty-four inch flat screen. Then the kitchen is setup with a view to the living room so that we can see what's going on and still be able to look at TV. I walk across the living room and keep straight past the kitchen into a hallway and turn a right. I knock on my roommates door and I don't receive an reply. That means she already left so I jog back in the living room and grab my key to the dorm and get my phone off the table and leave.

When I get outside I walk the trail that leads into woods. Usually I don't go on runs on campus grounds but since Vicky begged me to go I'll go on unregulated grounds. Once I'm deep on the unregulated grounds I go to a bushy area and undress them I shift into my wolf. To me Victoria is a beautiful wolf but I'm sure anyone thinks there wolf is. She has all white fur with a golden strip leading from her right eye to the tip of her right ear and her eyes are golden with little specks of green in them. When I first shifted I was fifteen that's early since you usually don't shift until your seventeen. The first time was so painful I blanked out for two days that's how long I was in my wolf form, but after that it got easier and easier until I didn't feel pain at all. Now that I'm in my wolf form Victory has more control since this is her true nature. “Finally freedom I feel like I've been squished into a bottle for months." She says to me. “It's only been a day Vicky". I say “details details" I laugh she can be a handful when she wanted to be. Since she has control all I have to dk is look around me as we run. It always amazes me at how fast she can run I mean we're zipping and dipping and jumping over logs and branches I can barely see. Then a scent hits me so strong it feels like an slap to the face. I know Vicky can smell it too because she stops abruptly. “Do you smell that Elena"? “Yea I smell it alright but I also smell something else to". “What else do you smell"? She asks. I wait a second to make sure I'm correct then I answer. “An Alpha and a rogue".

This is a problem for me and Vicky because one I'm pretty sure I'm outside of the boundary line of the pack that allows me to stay on their pack ground. Two is because there is an Alpha here which means I'm on his territory and three is because I am a rogue also. So if I noticed the Alpha whose sense of smell is ten times stronger than a regular wolf then I know he noticed me and the other rogue. My guess is that he assumes me and the other rogue is on the same team which means I have to leave and leave quick. My other problem is that I'm completely lost. “What should we do Vicky"? It's a few seconds before she answers me then she says “run like hell"! So I do but instead of relying on my sense of smell to direct me where to go I rely on fear and run right into the rogue and the Alpha at the same time. “Damn" Victoria snarls in my head as we prepare to fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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