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"You can't just sit there and put everybody's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love. " -Perks of Being a Wallflower


I sit on the sofa, wondering what his last comment meant.

"So, how'd it go with Mr. Angel Model Man? I hear we have a new neighbour!" Jamie choruses in a sing-song voice. All the girls join me at the couch as we normally do every night. Ariel turns the TV and slides in When Harry Met Sally into the DVD player, and Scarlet claps her hands as she puts down provisions for the movie.

"I love this movie so much, guys!" Scarlet squeals, handing out bottles of iced tea and runs back to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine for herself.

"As if we already didn't know that, Scar, you literally quote that movie whenever we go to the diner," Ariel teases as she puts up her blonde hair into a ponytail.

"I'll have what she's having!" imitates Jamie, who is plaiting her black hair down her shoulders.

Scarlet rolls her eyes as I fall into a fit of laughter at Jamie's exaggerated imitation of Scarlet. Scar starts the movie as the opening credits appear on the screen.

We all settle into the large black couch and sounds of chip packets and the large 'pop' of Scar's wine bottle being opened horrendously. We all scream childishly and continuing giggling until the opening lines start.

It's 10 minutes into the movie when I hear yelling and blasts of music coming from outside of our apartment.

Ariel notices, too and looks at me, obviously questioning why there is so much noise from outside. Usually there's not much noise around here, since this building is relatively new and play boys don't usually rent these kind of apartments, mainly because the walls weren't meant to keep 150 decibels from disturbing others.

"Want to go see what all the noise is about, Essie?" Ariel asks.

"Yeah, surprisingly, I want to be able to hear in the morning," I say as I jog over to a chair where my grey hoodie is thrown over.

Ariel grabs hers as I slip on my white converse, and we walk out of the apartment, following where the noise is coming from.

The sound is pretty loud from out here in the hall so I just knock on the door where I can hear the most noise coming from, but no one comes to the door. Ariel shrugs.

"Knock harder, Ess. There's nothing else we can do," she suggests.

I ball up my fist and pound on the door for maybe half a minute, and turn to leave with Ariel. I hear the door open when a blast of sound comes out and I hear someone shout my name.

"Hey! Estelle!"

I turn around to see Mr. Angel Model Man waving at me. He is smiling with a huge grin and is motioning for me and Ariel so come closer.

"Hey, um," I raise my voice. "Are you having a party? 'Cause I think you might of killed the whole building's ears."

He steps forward with a crazy smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm having a party, but you're silly," he laughs.

"Oh?" I say, crossing my arms. I can see from the corner of my eye that Ariel is giggling.

"The building doesn't have ears."

I have to admit. The boy has wit.

I chuckle at his remark. "He is so wasted," I tell Ariel, who is laughing with tears in her eyes. We both turn to head back to our apartment.

"Where are you going?" he yells, leaning on the door. "Won't you come in for a drink, ladies?" Another head pops out into the door way, obviously one of his drunk mates.

I wave my hand while walking back to the apartment, with a huge grin on my face.

Once I reach my door, I turn around and yell back at him.

"Maybe later, when I can hear!" I shout and start laughing.

Ariel is still giggling once I close the door, and as we make our way back down the corridor of our apartment, we stop laughing and join the rest of the girls back on the couch. 

"How'd it go, you two?" Jamie asks with a mouthful of popcorn, eyes glued to the TV screen.

"Hilarious," Ariel shakes her head. "Those new guys that moved in across the hall are so wasted. But it seems like they're having a bloody good time."

There's silence for a moment until Ariel starts talking again.

"I think I might join them instead of sitting here watching 90's movies with you losers."

Jamie nods like she didn't hear anything while Scarlet and I chuckle to ourselves.

"You'd never leave us, Ari," says Scarlet, making kissing faces at her until Ariel playfully slaps her cheek.

"Just watch me!" Ariel exits the room and walks down the hall. After a few minutes, she comes back.

"How was it?" we all ask in unison.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just stayed in the hall," she mumbles.

Everyone bursts out laughing and the sad look on Ari's face vanishes when she starts smiling, and hops back on the couch.

"I suggest we continuing watching old romance movies," I say while the others try to compose themselves.

And keep thinking we might have a chance at this kind of love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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