『Chapter 1』•|| Welcome ||•

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Things You Should Know
(Y/N) -Your Name
(H/C) -Hair Colour
(H/L) -Hair Length
(O/C) - Outfit Choice
(T/o/M) - Type of Magic
(S/C) -Skin Colour
(W/T) - Weapon Type
(F/C) - Favourite Colour
(S/F/C) - Second Favourite Colour
(F/A) - Favourite Animal
(S/F/A) - Second Favourite Animal
(F/N) - Fake Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(H/N) - Horse Name
(B/N) - Brothers Name
(S/N) - Sisters Name
-More Coming-

Music - " Forgive Me" by Tower Beatz
~Play Music When Told To~

•(Y/N's) POV•

   Back, back again. Heh, at least the prophesy will become fulfilled... Soon. I walked out of the caverns entrance, a bright light welcomed me, the light of the Limbo, also known as Conamira. Last life... That will be interesting. I wonder how it'll turn out.

   Walking along the stone path, I saw the tree, the big oak tree on the hill, the hill where I'll stay until the prophesy calls me. At least I'll have some people to guide me, hopefully

•Play Music•

   Everything is coming back to me... Zero, Zenix, Yui... Everyone from my first life... Alex, Leah, Mimi... Second life... The life I just finished... Sprinkles, Kim, Analie, Shelb, Shaboopie, Keiko, Lucy, Blue, everyone. I guess you just have to let things go...

   Walking up the path, I see shadows of everyone in my 3 lives that I had already lived... Some in tears, still thinking about me... They should just forget about me and move on, I'm not coming back. Once I fulfil the prophesy, my life is over.

   I stand in front of the large oak tree. Home... The last time I'll be seeing it. I let out a sad sigh. (Y/N), just move on, once it's done you can't do anything about it... There's nothing I can do. Even if I was to abandon the prophesy, I'll only be sent back here.

•Finn's POV•

   3 years, 3 lives, I should be going back. I miss everyone especially Sky. I can feel it, I can feel that the prophesy is going to be fulfilled. If only they knew what the real prophesy is. Maybe (Y/N) would be able to live a normal life. Who am I kidding? No-one has ever had a normal life before. It's all just one big lie.

•Skylar's POV•

Once the prophesy is fulfilled, we'll all be free. But why does freedom have to come at such a cost? Answers, answers, answers. I let out a small sigh, time to welcome (Y/N) back I guess.

"We're almost there," Lucas says,

"Good, this is (Y/N's) last life. I wonder what happens next?" I reply,

"What I'm guessing, either certain death, or re-live another life or begin a new one." Lucas turns to me, "Or... Just not exist, as if (Y/N) was never real, as if, the prophesy was never real."

Lucas looks straight a head, we were approaching the tree. I just hope (Y/N) is ready. No-one should go through this... Not even the basest of people.

•Sprinkles POV•

"I'm finding (Y/N)!" Kim stands up,

"Even if you were able to open all the dimensions at once you'll never get to (Y/N), why don't you understand that?" Tom slouches back into his chair, "just move on... (Y/N) would prefer that way."


I look at Kim harshly, "No buts, I agree with Tom. We should just move on, you liar."

"Wh-what?" Kim stutters,

"When Karma told us what you did, we could never forgive you. We never forget what happened to us that day. You hid it." I said in a harsh tone, everyone else nodded in agreement, "with that said, we have some of our own plans to begin with."

I walk away, everyone else, including Tom, excluding Kim, followed me. We knew what we were going to do and now, we can never trust a liar like Kim.

•(Y/N's) POV•

I sat on one of the larger roots outside of the tree. I saw Skylar, and Lucas... But no Finn? Once they were up the hill, we looked at each other eye to eye, waiting for one of us to speak.

"Welcome back... (Y/N)," I low male voice said,

I looked down, "Thanks..."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. I just need to think for now. I look up again, staring at some familiar faces...

743 Words

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