Chapter 20: A Chilling Farewell

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The sun rose in the distance sprinkling red orange light through the windows in a beautiful array of shards. It was 6 am on the dot. The birds had come out singing their songs and fresh morning dew had froze on the grass below making it shimmer like crystals. Inside the room Sakura was singing her own tune too. She gently snored away with out a care in the world, while Hinata beside her had not slept a wink. She stared up at the ceiling fan and reflected back on last nights haunting email.

She must have stared at Toneri's name in her inbox for hours before she opened his email. So many thoughts ran through her head. Had he figured out that she knew he was behind all of this and was coming to kill her and her friends? Or perhaps he would send an army of those damn gekkou to kidnap her and lock her away forever?

Hinata realized not opening the email was only making her more nervous than opening it. So with a fear filled mind she tapped on the message. What was inside was far worst than she could ever imagine.

The message was simple and right to the point.

Meet me at the Moon Light cafe at 8 am. Alone. Or else.

Below that was a picture of her dear sister. Unconscious and bond at the hands and ankles like a hog.

It took everything in Hinata not to run to him right then and kill him with her own two hands. But she couldn't. Another side of her wanted to burst into tears and beg god for mercy. But she couldn't. Her friends would suspect something was wrong and then try to help, it was too risky. No she couldn't involve anyone else. So she did nothing.

The others went to sleep while she laid awake. Her eyes stung from restlessness. It was all over. He had won. She had to get her sister nothing else mattered.

Suddenly laying there waiting became unbearable. She needed to leave. Now.

Hinata rose up from the bed carefully being mindful of the creaking. The last thing she needed was Sakura waking up. She successfully made it out of the bed not disturbing Sakura in the slightest, but Hinata did not move from her spot. She stared at Sakura's sleeping form sadly. This might be the last time Hinata would see all of her friends again.

She then carefully opened the draw of the night stand next to her and took out a pen and paper. Hinata decided to leave her friends a note apologizing and telling them not to search for her, but midway her emotions got the best of her.

She was pathetic. Here she was once again giving in and running away like she'd always did. Why was it so hard for her to be brave and fight? What would Naruto think of her giving up just like that and crying?

Hinata got up from kneeling at the night stand and headed to the closet. In there she pulled out the duffle bag that was given to them with all of the spy supplies.

Hinata took out a small tape recorder as well as the gun. The gun shook in her hands. Just thinking of having to use it made her sick.

She changed her clothes and slipped the recorder in her bra and tied the gun to her leg making sure the safety lock was on and pulled her boot over it. She concealed it further by pulling her baggy sweat pants over the boots.

Hinata patted her leg where the gun was to make sure it was secure and closed her eyes with a sigh. What the hell was she getting herself into?

She then grabbed the pen and paper again and continued writing. This time letting her friends know that she would be back no matter what. She then left the note on the night stand.

Giving Sakura one last look she exited the room and tip toed into the hall way. She closed the door behind her gently and breathed out. Now all she had to do was get past the living room with out waking the boys.

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