Green Awakening

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Finally, home sweet home after a long confusing day. As I opened the door to my apartment, the smell of roses flowed into my nose, the same scent I smell every day. Dropping my bag to the ground, I walked over to the couch, falling face first down into a pillow. Sighing in content, I snuggled into my pillow, finally being able to relax. I pulled the pillow close to my chest, holding it tightly as if it was going to leave, I looked at the gloomy ceiling as I did this. Gripping onto the pillow tightly with one arm, I pulled my phone and the note Choromatsu gave me out from my pocket. Unlocking my phone with a click, I went straight to my contacts imputing his information. Saving his name under Matsuno Choromatsu, I contemplated on whether or not I should message him. I held my phone to the pillow, my mind rushing for an answer, just thinking about messaging him made me excited but anxious. Squeezing the pillow harder, I watched the ceiling closely. Everything I did today was rushing through my brain so quickly, I couldn't even compromise what had happened. Sitting up quicker than I anticipated, I went to Choromatsu's name. I clicked on it, then on the text icon. This would be an easier way to talk to him.

(y/n) - "Hey Choromatsu, It's me (y/n)! Sorry about the fuss today. I would like to make it up to you for wasting your time."

Pressing send I laid back down on my couch, shoving my face straight into the pillow. I waited for his reply, which didn't take as long as I expected. Bing! A new notification popped up on my phone, the name Matsuno Choromatsu was the sender. Quickly tapping my phone open, I instantly clicked on the message, my face turning a light shade of pink when I read it.

Choro - "Hello (y/n). Yes, today was really confusing haha. You don't have to make it up to me, I'm the one who knocked you out, I should be the one apologizing."

Reading through the message my face continued to heat up, my cheeks a crimson red. Rapidly replying to his message, I tried to calm myself down as much as possible. I breathed in then out, pressing the send button once I was sure what I wanted to say.

(y/n) - Well then, how about we meet up sometime soon? Maybe tomorrow, if your fine with that?"

The message went through, anticipation bubbling up inside of me. As I waited for his reply I could only imagine what he would say, until the bing of a new notification exploded onto my phone. Clicking on the message that Choromatsu sent, it seemed as though he was also happy with the arrangements.

Choro - "Sure, tomorrow sounds great. I can meet you at the Wave Cafe, at 11:00. If that's alright with you?"

Thinking for a second, I tried to remember my timetable for tomorrow. There was nothing other than a live performance that Nyaa-chan invited me to appear in at 3:00pm, everything seems to be in place!

(y/n) - "I'm free at 11:00, so I'll see you there! Bye Choromatsu!"

Writing my final message to him for today, I sighed into the pillow that I was suffocating in my arms. Dropping my phone onto the side table, I looked up at the ceiling, the feeling of relief sweeping over my entire body. As my eyes gazed dully at the dark cracks in the ceiling, my eyes started to close, the only thing visible to my (e/c) eyes was darkness, as I fell into a deep sleep.


The sun's rays burst into the room, my eyes being blinded by the sudden light. Slowly opening my eyes, I noticed that I was still on the couch, the sun shining through the cracks between the curtains. Pulling the pillow up towards my face, I tried to block every ray of light that could blind me, but it was no use. Being suffocated by a pillow because of sunlight is not a good way to go out. Sitting up in a groggy state, I turned on my phone to check the time. Turning the phone on, my eyes went wider than the ocean once I saw the time. 10:15am. My eyes snapped open, allowing any ray of light to enter. I flipped my phone off and jumped off the couch, running quickly towards the bathroom.Messily fixing my hair into a bun, I brushed my teeth and washed the smeared makeup off my tired face. Reaching into my makeup bag, I tried to do the best I was able to do at the moment. A light amount of foundation, concealer and powder to finish the base. A shiny light pink eyeshadow, and mascara to finish my eyes. Lastly, an almost clear pink lip gloss, just for an extra touch.

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