Who Killed Alfred F. Jones part I.

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                                                                   Who Killed Alfred F. Jones?

"Thank you for the ride, sir," Matthew says agilely, getting out the taxi cab and walking up to the rather large manor.

Matt sees a small group of people.

"Must be the guest," Matthew thinks to himself. "But why is the group so small?"

He knew that Alfred was popular, so he was wondering why there was not a lot of people at Alfred's door, "I must be early.." he says aloud walking up to the small group with his head down. He didn't want to draw any attention, but at the same time, he does not want to be rude.

"H-Hey.," he says softly, waving to the group of strangers.

They all look up, hearing the soft and quiet voice. A man in a top hat and cane in hand bowed and replied,

"Hello, I am Arthur. Arthur Kirkland, and you are?" Arthurs British voice was deep, but smooth like silk, his hair was a dirty blonde and messy but not too messy. Matt noticed that Arthur had some rather large eyebrows and held in a giggle, he looks more into Arthurs features and noticed that Arthurs skin was tan and his arm skinny in his black vest and green shirt under it. Matthew smiles gently, a warm smile. He was beginning to think how Alfred knew this British lad, but pushed it out of his mind and replied with another soft smile.

"I-I'm Matthew Williams, b-but you can just call me Matt if you'd like," he responds, stuttering every so often, Because of his shyness he didn't really know how to talk to new people - or anyone really - without stuttering ever so lightly.

Arthur smiled, he then elbowed the lad next to him with shoulder length blonde hair, giving him a glare that could kill.

"You bloody fool, introduce yourself!" Arthur scolded the man.

The man, who seemed to be in his early 20s gave Matthew a grin, holding his hand out his hand before saying,

"Ah~ Bonjour mon ami~ The name is Francis Bonnefoy. I already know your name as you have already told us, non?"

Matthew looks at him taking in all of his features. The man had shining blue icy eyes and pale skin. His face was structured sharply with a jawline that could slice cheese. Francis was wearing a purple suit with what seemed to be a short cape that came around his neck and down his shoulders just a bit, it was also purple.

"Man does this guy love purple or what?" Matt thought to himself

He was French, Matt could tell from the way he pronounced the French words, and how his accent in English was French. Interesting Matt has met a French and English man on the same day must be his luck.

Matt smiles at Francis and then turned his attention to the other two men, one of them was tall, really tall. He had sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a beige coat with a long yellow-ish scarf wrapped around his neck.

He then looks at the other man, Matts' eyes went wide when he saw the other boy. He was shorter but not that short, still taller than Matthew. The boy was albino, Light purple eyes and very, very pale skin snow white even. He had white hair that was messy with shaggy bangs just above his eyes, he had on a black shirt showing off all of his muscles (not too big but not too small).

Matthew has never in his life seen someone like this before, it interests him. Suddenly the albino started to talk, loudly.

"Are we going to go in or what?! If I stand any longer I'm going to lose my mind!" He had a German accent, a strong German accent. His voice was scratchy. Matt chuckles and opens the big brown doors, he gasped lightly seeing the inside of the manor for the first time.

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