Chapter 1: Funny Side

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'Just woke up', a little funny term.
The perfect line for a lazy teenager when monday comes.
I don't wanna leave my bed, my body seems to stick like it was glued on it.
The rays of the sun enters my little window kissing the floor of my room,  the wind blew swaying my curtains with its touch.
The birds were singing sweetly outside and my neigbhors chatting for morning news..
Now heres the fact.
I'm not a normal teenager,  I am not living in a normal house and I am not living in a typical neigborhood.

I was 200 years old, I just look 17.  Funny,  I guess..  And I spent all my 200 years being with my brothers, sisters and my Beloved King Father...
We can say it is like bees and ants but this is the idea..  It is divine,  He is no ordinary King. He is King over everything some creatures know that and some are not...  So, a king, our beloved King and we live to serve Him and we live by His love only.  And we treated Him as our Father same as He treated us as His children.
He give us a little gift, each and everyone of us.
Like little fairy powers but we are not fairies, we are herd sprites. (Not real, I know.. Fantasy! )
Our powers are to heal, to make plants grow, to tender and care, light, wind, music, elements and others.
My Father gave me the wind and music.
A small breeze from the tempest and a little not so good but yeah its fine music.  Still how great He is. I love my Father so much. He gave those gift for Him and its an honour to serve Him.
Now, Here is the beginning of my story.
My name is Adeline, Adeline Windfill Hymn. Some call me Adel, some call me Adeline, My beloved King call me Adeline but this guy called me Windfill, we'll know about him.

One morning before
After I leave my bed, do my morning routine I was called by my King.
I brushed my straight long hair that is up to my upper back, curl it inwardly so it may appear in a semishort hair look,  I wear my headband on ringed around some of my hair that were tied up so it prevents it to block my face. Wearing my white dress. Arriving at the place His attendant gave me something to deliver elsewhere.

Deliver this bag of power to someone altogether with a message addressed to someone special to our King.

Fasten my tightbelt and we'll be on the haste. Make sure my white dress won't get that dirty this time. It was an honor to do this job for Him, when I was just with the royal choir and sing. I could be a messenger sometimes.
Gladly I swept away and let myself flew with the air. From a tropical place to a temperate one.

As always, I was told to never talk to strangers, like other creatures with other powers and form or I'll be surely dead. We were toldnot to for they may take advantage of something every herd sprites have and also they either steal what is important to us or hurt us or even worst sold us.

So take the precautions and caution,  but thy Lousy flight had brought myself caught to a trap.
I am 101% sure I am dead.

"Dead, dead, dead" I seem to accept my fate. This might be my final destination.
Surely, I can say a flying creature would never wanted to be caged. It is like a someone who is suffering in claustrophobia.

I know I shouldn't be afraid, Father will knew and come to save me as Thy dearly promised.

I heard a mischievious laugh, scoffing and intimidating me.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. A little herd sprite. " he laughed.

"Seems like I caught a good one. So,  what can you do?  Can I turn you into a pet or sold you?" He said with a mischieveous laugh and smile.

I was astonished. I try to flew over the cage and started to worry.

"Just kidding, your too weak for a herd sprites" he laugh playfully with his little prank.

"Ugh! What on earth are you planning?  Let me go! You childish brat" i say.
I meditate to use my little power my Father gave me. I was surprised he also have the same with a diff. variant in it, Snow.

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