♥︎" Nevermore "♥︎[Military! Echofell Gaster Sans x Reader]

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" Company! HALT!" A deep voice roared through the large military field. The loud stomps had came to a strict stop. A pair of red pinpricks searched through the large line of soldiers being lined up. He was a Battalion Commander who always barks orders at us.

Me? I was just a S-1, an assistant to say the least. I keep records of all the cadets and work on the computers pretty much and deal with information and paperworks. I didn't mind staying behind on the action, saves me the trouble of dying. Being in the military really wasn't so bad, even if it was hard work actually. Hearing the Commander releasing us, I stepped back and walked away.

I had to get back to work, no one was gonna run the office by themselves if I weren't around. Lunch was gonna start in about, four hours? I was hoping that was the time as I do tend to get carried away with work and sometimes forget to grab a bite or two for the day. Just as I was near the door, a harsh grip landed on my shoulder that caused me to tense. As much as I wanted the owner of the grip to be who I know and talk to regularly, it wasn't.. It was my battalion Commander.

" S-1. Pleasure seeing you have joined us today for a morning march."

Sometimes, he isn't all bad when he isn't being professional, then there are times I absolutely get annoyed with him." Ah, Yeah. Might as well do something active before sitting for the rest of the day," I said with a low smile. Being an S-1 is a bit difficult considering I keep the records of all the military soldiers we have in our military base.

" I agree. Getting a little... exercise doesn't hurt.." seeing him get closer made my blood run cold. His face was only a few inches away from mine as my eyes stared deep in his own red pupils. They looked so magnificent and unique... for a skeleton to have eyes that is. Gulping back the nervousness, I slid out of his grip and smiled." Yes, totally. If you'll excuse me, I have to-"

" I did not say you are dismissed, soldier." The growl and darkness that lingered in his voice made me sunk in my position. Oh he didn't.. he can't just command me! I didn't dare say a word.

Once again, he approached me and had me cornered. Does he take joy in doing this to me? Does he like the way I squirm under his eyes? Whatever makes him do this... I don't seem to mind it.. for now. His hand felt cold on my cheek and the adrenaline running through me spasmed with excitement. And that's when it happened.

His mouth to mine as we waste away the hour. My arms gripped his broad shoulders as my lips molded with his, the taste was strange but yet I enjoyed it without thinking what was I doing. I couldn't stop kissing him, I wanted more of him each time the kiss gets rougher by the second. Slowly... we depart ways and my eyes glistened with excitement as my cheeks must be dusted with glittering pink color. Feeling his thumb rub my bottom pink lip, a smirk went on his lips as he placed a kiss to my cheek.

" Be on your way, nevermore this shall happen. Unless you want it to~"

With those last words, he was gone from my sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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