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I have a crush on someone 

She's beautiful 


I'm sorry...

Were you expecting me to say he?

Were you expecting the word handsome, 

To tumble from my unwilling lips?

Well I'd say I'm sorry, 

Except I'm not

I'm tired

Sick and bloody tired

Of always lying

And lying 

And lying 

And I'm done 

No more 

I like a girl 

A beautiful beautiful girl

With her short blond hair 

And intelligence 

I've known for some time now 

That this is how I am 

And I don't love it 

But I don't hate it

I tolerate myself 

That's all I can say 

All I can word 

I've been forced 


And time 

And time again 

To not be me 

To hide my Her him they 


Non comformist self 

To change 

To make the right choice

This time 

As if I have a choice 

I sure as hell didn't choose to be me

I wouldn't have 

So you can shove it 

You can beat it 

You can finally 


Accept that not everyone is 


Not everyone fits into society's perfect mold 

Not everyone is like you

I'm not.

But Maybe 

From now on 

I can

Be me?

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