The Beginning

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Millie POV

Today was the last day of summer my best friends Maddie, Sadie, Sophia and Iris are coming over let me tell you how I meat everyone lets start with Maddie.


I playing in the swings of a park It was during recess back in first grade I was by my self and then I saw a little Maddie running and I thought her friends were behind me until she looked at me and said "hey why are you alone?" just looked at her then I looked down and said "I don't have any friends they all think I'm weird because of my accent" I answer honestly "well I don't have friends either and I think your accent is pretty cool" " really so are we friends?" "yes were friends" and sine that day we became best friends .

Sadie and I became friends because I was her tutor she was failing algebra and I volunteer since no one wanted to tutor her for some reason they were scared of her I never knew why until now she doesn't take shit from no one I guess that's why they are scared of her and just like there was once 2 now we were 3.

Sophia well she moved next to my house so we are neighbors and well I went to welcome her to the neighborhood and just like that w became friends and we have classes together star then I invited her to have lunch with me and she just fit in with the three of us and like there once was 3 now there were 4 .

Iris we became friends because of my half brother Gaten but that's another story for another time when he and his dad moved in with us he need a tutor so he could be catch up and she was the tutor and on day Gaten was late and we just started talking and we became friends I invited her to go shopping with me and the girls she's very girly so she was giving the girl advice and just like there was once 4 now there were 5.

end of flashback

Maddie POV

I was think of inviting the girls over for a sleepover that way we enter that hell hole again and we can also go and buy new outfits at the mall and I can make my bother take us there I bet he wont mind.

FINN!!! I scream since his downstairs and I'm p stairs

WHATTT DOO YOUU WAAAANNNNTTT!!!!! he screamed back

CANN YOUU TAKEE MEE AND THE GIRLSSS TO THE MALL I screamed then he open my room door he and walked in

"no I'm not taking you and your annoying friends to the mall"

"but why not Millie's going" I said wiggling my eyebrows at him

"yeah no I'm not taking you guys specially since she's going she's the most annoying one "

"sureee you are just mad because you like her but you cant tell her that" I like to annoy him

"I don't like her"

"then take us to the mall otherwise it looks like you do like her"

" fine you win but they better be ready I'm not waiting"

I decided to text the girls and tell them if they wanted to go

the group chat

me: do u guys want to go to the mall?

Bitch ass bestfriend Millie: sure what time

redhead bitch: sorry cant go I'm babysitting right now

it's Iris bitch: hey sorry hanging out with Gaten

Soph : cant right now I'm doing something sorry

me: its fine so I guess its just me and Millie and Millie get ready ill be there in 20min

Bitch ass best friend Millie: ok

Well i guess ill just try to make my brother stay since its just going to be Millie and me then ill ask the girls about the sleepover.

20 min later

we were outside Millies house and Finn honk to let Millie know that we were here when she cme out Finn honk just to scare her witch made her jump and that made Finn laugh.

"why do u honk why didnt you just tell Maddie to text me" millie said annoyed

"because i can and i did and plus it was funny"

millie just rolled her eyes and finn drove to the mall when we got there me and millie whent to all the stores we see cute out fits and Finn followed us and when we were done shopping we went back to my place and dicide to we would have a sleepover just us.

we head down to the basement were my bother and his friends were watching some movie of course i come and interrupt like always.

"hey guys" i say

"hey Maddie millie" they all say

Millie pov

its weird to come don here and see my two brothers hanging out with the same people well noah not really that weird since i know he has been hanging out with them since we were little what is weird hi how none of our friends know that I'm his sister and that his my brother and Gaten well he is new to town he came with his dad to my house one day and well they said that's you half sister and this is you half bother i guess my mom found out my dad cheated and she did the same the difference was that she stayed and my dad left with no goodbye.

"hey millie how come you never told us you had two brothers?" Caleb asked

"uh what?" i asked

"yeah how didn't we know you and Noah were siblings?"

"oh well you guys never asked"

"oh what about Gaten?"

"oh i didn't know about him until the fist week of summer and also how come you guys didn't find out since i was the one who told you guys to be nice to him that he was new in town if that you guys didn't make him feel welcome then i was going to beat all of you up?"

"yeah i guess we thought you were just been nice"

"her nice pff when is she nice?" Finn asked

"me I'm always nice but a bitch to shitty people like you"

"me shitty please I'm just a asshole to people i don't like and you happen to be one of those people" god i hate him

"well I'm a bitch to people i don't like and you are one no wait the only one i don't like" i say rolling my eyes

Finn's thoughts

God i hate Millie you probably asking why well because she took ,y sister away from me before she meet Millie I was her best friend well now that i think about it she was going to end up leaving me she was going to need a girl to tell things she cant tell me still i hate Millie she's so annoying she's always here its like she doesn't have her own house she'always here but when she isn't the house feels empty you can here her laugh downstairs and when she isn't here its feels so empty i don't know why but when she is here i want her to leave i guess its because i hate her that much i guess that i  hate that when she leaves theres no one to fight with or make mad.

Holaaaaa I'm back bitches well I hope you guys enjoys this And I wanted to thanks harlz-oneill for voting on this book and making it happen I know I took to long to write this I've Benin really busy lately I was writing small parts on the weekends and for like 20min before I had to go but that's all folks... again I hope you guys enjoy this new story.

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