what we talk about when we talk about death

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"And all the while, I feel I'm standing in the middle of a crowded room, screaming at the top of my lungs, and no one even looks up" ~ Titanic

I sit by my open window.

Through it I can smell all the flavours

of the world.

I can taste the stars,

they shine so bright,

the dying,

and a thousand constellations that

haven't yet been born.

I got your favourite,

The pretty white stuff.

All lined up,

in perfect little rows.

Just the way you like it.

They whisper lovingly,

calling my name.

oh how inviting they seem.

My resolve weakens,

as the calling grows stronger.



touching my soul.

They shout my name now.

Just like you used too.

The oblivion they propose,

it calls to me.

Louder than a lion,

yet quieter than a mouse.

I think thats what did it,

the whispers.

The tumultous roar,

of the resounding quiet.

Do you remember?

Do you remember Logan.

What you said to me that time,

so long ago now,

yet entirely inforgettable.

It was about dying.

I do.

You said;

"If I were to die, I think I'd want to


"Why" I whispered.

"So my one final act,

would be one of rebellion,

A quite one,

But a rebellion nonetheless."

I completely agreed.

Even if I suspected,

only discreetly,

within the labyrinth of my mind,

that you said it only to impress me.

Simply because,

it was so unlike you,

drugs and all.

I guess subconsciously,

you were trying to outdo me,

my renegade nature.

If only to one up me,

one last time,

in death.

This I felt,

showed your truest form.

That of a shivering coward.

Yet I loved you all the same.


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