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     Harry tripped and smacked right into a student in front of him. "I'm sor-"
     Draco spat, cutting Harry off, "Watch where you're going, Potter!"
     Hermione bent down and picked all of his stuff up. She handed his stuff back to him with a smile. Nor Ron or Harry though much of it.
     A few days passed and Harry started noticing little things, and telling Ron as soon as he could. He noticed Hermione holding back after dinner a lot. At first he suspected she was going to the library to read, but then Harry would watch from the door to see what she was doing, and, he noticed she walked over to Draco. This concerned Harry because he liked Draco. Only Ron knew this. Harry trusted Ron more than anybody else for.. reasons.
     Harry also noticed Hermione and Draco smiling at each other while walking in the halls. Sometimes Harry would see Draco staring at Hermione when she was sitting next Harry.
     After this, Hermione befriending Draco, happened everyday, Harry decided to confront Hermione. 
     "Hermione, can I talk to you, in private?" Harry asked nervously.
     "Yeah, sure!" Hermione and himself went to the boys dormitory, where no one else was, and talked. "What is it?"
     "You.. and.. Malfoy.. a thing?" Harry hesitated, only getting a few words out of his mouth.
     Hermione's face twisted into a confused expression. She kept thinking of what in the world could possibly make him think such catastrophic things? Her and Malfoy? Impossible!
     "I think you're right out of your damn mind, Harry! Me and Malfoy?!" Hermione hit Harry in the head with some of the parchment she held in her hands. "Seriously, Harry, if that's what you think I would get yourself checked!"
     "Then why do you meet him after dinner everyday? Why do you guys smile at each other in the halls? Or why does he stare at you whenever I'm around? You'd think you'd keep a secret relationship, you know, a secret! Honestly Hermione! I thought you of all people would have common sense," Harry was shouting. He was sure people in the common room could hear them.
     "We aren't dating.." Hermione's small voice broke the silence. "I'm trying to figure something for your sake, actually! Call me crazy for helping a friend, why don't you?!"
     Hermione raged out of the room and Harry followed pursuit. Harry didn't care that everybody was staring at them as they both stormed out the picture on the wall.
     "Hermione, wait!" Harry said when she slowed down towards the dungeons. Although it was irregular for a Gryffindor to be down here, besides for potions, Harry didn't think of it.
     "Why should I wait Harry! Do you assume I'll forgive you just like you assumed me and Malfoy were a thing?! You are an absolute bimbo to think that by the way!"
     Little did Harry know this was part of a plan. Hermione and Draco had been planning on finding out if Harry liked Draco. And to do this Hermione would get close with Draco and watch Harry steam. Then they would get into a heated argument, which would lead near to the Slytherin House. Draco would be hidden by the bathrooms near to there argument arrangements.
     "Hermione, just listen ok. I only got mad because, well I like him-Draco. And when I thought my best friend took him away from me I got upset. I really shouldn't of though, because he's not even gay.. I'm selfish I know, and I am sorry Hermione! I just wished, that for once, something would go my way. You know?" Harry had a few tears running down his face.
     Behind Hermione, Harry saw Draco. Which frightened him. How much had he heard? "D-Draco? H-how long have you been there? How much did you hear? On no, oh no no,"
     Draco did something that Harry never thought he would, Draco engulfed Harry into a hug, which Harry melted into. Harry loved Draco's scent.
     "I like you too, Harry," Draco smiled.
     Harry smiled finally feeling like someone somewhere wanted him to feel loved.

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