Never Have I Ever

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The bell rang signaling the end of potion class. Harry slammed shut the book that previously belonged to the half-blood prince-whoever that may be- and gathered up all of his other belongings. Everyone, but Horace Slughorn was already out of class so he was in no hurry.
Harry was given a task by his headmaster. No matter how hard he had tried, he couldn't get Slughorn to give him the oh so powerful memory. "Professor, I just had a quick question," he spoke quite louder than he originally planned.
Slughorn jumped slightly at the loud noise. His faces dropped as he spoke, "Harry, I must be going. I have to prepare for tomorrow and I cannot speak right now, sorry. Mustn't you be going to?"
"But sir this is important."
"No buts, you must go now, go on," Slughorn cut Harry's hopes up even more. Harry still wondered just how he could get the goddamn memory.
Harry walked out, rather fast paced, of the classroom. It was his last class of the day so he started his journey to the Gryffindor tower. He had an hour until dinner then after dinner it was game night. Game night was a night originally planned by the Slytherins. It occurred every other Wednesday night. Harry was immensely surprised that the Slytherins invited the Gryffindors in the first place. This was the one thing Harry could look forward to during his 6th year at Hogwarts. Nothing else really made him smile and laugh.
Harry reached the portrait of the Fat Lady and said the password, "Dilligrout." He stepped in and was greeted by Ron, who had a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans in his hand.
"Want some? I've just got a bogie flavoured one," Ron said as he spat one into a cup of throw away beans.
Harry shook his head not wanting to barf at the moment, "no thanks Ron, I think I'll just wait for dinner. Anyways, are you ready for game night? Rumor has it the games Never Have I ever!"
"Yeah I am! I wonder who's all going his week."
Harry smiled at Ron. He was extremely greatful for his best friend. "Hey Ron?" Harry said emerging from his thoughts.
"Thank you," Harry said.
"For what, Harry?" Ron said confused.
"For being my best friend. For always being there for me and never believing those dumb rumors about me,with the exception of 4th year," Harry laughed. "You've always been real with me and I really appreciate that, man. I love you."
Ron's mood immediately went from eh to really good. "You're welcome, you've always been there for me since day one. I love you too."
"Alright, ready for dinner," Harry said as his stomach grumbled.
Ron agreed and they headed down to the Great Hall.
     Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw some Slytherins and Ravenclaws stand up and head towards the doors. Harry said guys and leaned in. "It's time for games if you're coming,"
     Harry, Hermione, Ron, and a 4 more Gryffindors stood up and left with them. They all made their way to the Room of  Requirement. As they rounded the corner to the room, they saw the Slytherins waiting for everyone, like always. It was only 2 minutes later before the Hufflepuffs were there too. The door showed up and all of them entered. They sat on the floor in a circle and Hermione started talking.
     "Alright, tonight we are playing Never Have I ever. Before we start, we all have to take a sip of the alcohol I brought. There's a couple drops of Veritaserum in it so you guys don't lie. Ok I'll start. Never have I ever cheated."
     Harry, Ron, Blaise, and a couple others took a drink. Hermione smacked Harry and Ron on the head but they just shrugged. It was Draco's turn to ask.
     "Never Have I ever kissed someone in this room,"
     Harry took a drink along with Draco, Cho, Ginny and Pansy. Pansy decided to take her turn now. "Never Have I ever been in love with my enemy,"
     Harry quickly turned a brilliant shade of red. He took a drink hoping no body would notice, which was quiet hopeful considering only two people took a drink. Him and Draco effing Malfoy. No one knew it was Draco that Harry loved. I could have been anyone in Slytherin.
     "Uh I'll go next," Harry said to break tension. "Never Have I ever kissed a boy."
     Neville took a drink while blushing, and so did Blaise. Harry was shocked.
     Ginny seemed to want answers, because she asked the one question Harry hoped wouldn't come up. "Never Have I ever been in love with Draco Malfoy."
     Harry's face heated up again and he took a one last drink. Draco looked up because he saw 2 people take a drink. Draco saw Harry drinking but he thought he would only see Pansy taking a sip. Draco wouldn't make a move, though. Braveness wasn't in his blood.
     Pansy seemed to be on Harry's side for once. "Uhm Never Have I ever been in love with Harry Potter," she smirked at Draco near the end.
     To Harry's surprise, 3 people raised their glasses to their mouths. Ginny, Hermione, and Draco. Harry stood up and walked out, hoping to get away from the awkwardness. He sat in the hall. He heard the door open and expected Ron.
     "Harry?" It wasn't Ron, but Draco who came after Harry.
     Harry stood up and smiled. "So, Malfoy, heard your in loove?" Harry smirked.
     "Shut up and kiss me, Potter," Draco smirked as he smashed his lips onto Harry's.
     Harry's stomach twirled inside of him. This is what he had wanted for a long time. Harry melted into the kiss and as he was about to ask for entrance, Draco pulled away.
     "Wouldn't want to have Peeve's watch us mouth fuck, now would we?" Draco said as Harry hit him.
     "Shut up, Malfoy," Harry smiled. "Let's go back in, Shall we?"
     "Yes we shall," Draco smirked as they started walking back.
     "Hey Draco?"
     "I love you," Harry smiled while holding his hand.
     Draco stopped and looked at him. Draco smiled, "I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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