Seven - End

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Daehwi narrowed his eyes at Jihoon's blue and bronze scarf when they were walking down to the pitch on a particularly sunny February morning.

"That's downright betrayal," he said in disbelief. "Our House's team is fighting with their blood, sweat, and tears, and you decided to cheer for the enemy."

"House pride is massively overrated," he retorted calmly. "It's merely a propaganda created by Hogwarts' founders in order to strengthen bonds within the same House, but in reality it only causes unnecessary hostility among—"

His lecture was cut off by a horrified screech courtesy of Park Woojin.

"You're wearing the enemy's colors!" he spluttered loudly, causing some curious stares. "Unforgivable!"

Even Hyeongseop—usually a neutral party—was looking at his scarf with disapproval.

Apparently, Slytherin had defeated Gryffindor horribly in their last match, and in some kind of House Code Jihoon wouldn't pretend to understand, Gryffindors would take it personally if the team that had beaten them up was easily defeated by another team in the following game.

Gryffindors were weird like that. If it had been Jihoon, he would have wanted revenge.

But he couldn't care less about it, because today was Guanlin's first Quidditch match.

Vernon Choi, one of Ravenclaw's Chaser, had gotten himself two months-long detention for sneaking spiders into Professor Yumi's drawer conveniently a week before Ravenclaw's match against Slytherin. Guanlin had stepped up to fill Vernon's place in the team.

Looking back at it, Jihoon had probably helped his house by getting one of Ravenclaw's capable Chasers replaced by a first year with little-to-no experience in real Quidditch match. Daehwi had no right to scold him.

Ten minutes into the game, Jihoon had to admit that Daehwi probably had been right to worry.

"Jeon hit the Bludger towards Lee!" The commentator, a fifth year Hufflepuff called Seungkwan, roared. "Lee dropped the Quaffle. Lai now has the Quaffle and is now heading towards the goals—GOAL FOR RAVENCLAW! They are now leading fifty-zero in just ten minutes—where the fuck did you find this kid, Wontak-hyung? Sorry, Professor," he added hastily to Professor Kahi who was sending death glares at his direction.

"Choi—Joo—Choi has the Quaffle," Seungkwan yelled to the mic as Minki grabbed the ball from the air after Wontak had been hit by a Bludger carefully shot by Jinyoung. "The Slytherin Chasers are now advancing to Ravenclaw's goal posts in what Hansol calls 'Snake Formation'—not a very imaginative one, Hansol is, it's unfortunate he can't play today—wow, that's nasty, Sunghyuk—aaaand an even nastier Bludger by Lee Chan! I can see your sigh of relief from here, Hyunbin-hyung. Kang Yebin has the Quaffle! She gave it to Lee, who gave it to Minki-hyung, who flew past Lai and—and—FIRST GOAL FOR SLYTHERIN!"

The tribune around Jihoon roared and the girls screamed in delight as Minki blew a kiss to them. Jihoon didn't pay attention, for he was busy craning his neck to find Guanlin. When Jihoon spotted his disappointed face, something in his stomach twisted.

He watched as Jeon Jungkook put a reassuring hand on Guanlin's shoulder for a moment before flying away. Guanlin sat straighter on his broom, a new determination on his face.

Far above them all, Jimin and Jung Yerin floated unmoving in the air, apathetic of the skirmishes below, eyes searching for a glimpse of gold that would reward their team 150 points if they caught it.

Mark and Yebin each scored after that, leaving the score thirty-fifty for Slytherin. Kim Doyeon, looking pissed after failing to defend her goal posts three times in a row, gave Yebin the finger behind the referee's back.

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