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"How's your project going so far?" Ms.Kim asked the students.

Some of the students were already conduct the Interview, some were still at the appointment step, and the others were still looking for a foreigner to be interviewed. "For those who haven't got an interviewee please work harder and finfish the project as fast a s possible "

The rest of the session went pretty quick. Students were ready to leave the class.

"Exy-ah !" Soobin tapped her shoulder.

"mm?" Exy hummed in response as she packed her belongings back to her bag.

"Are you free today?"

"Yeah, no work at all. What?..... Let me guess. You want to go shopping huh?" she smirked, looking at her friend.

Soobin just grinned widely and Exy took that action as a yes.

"Okay let's go!" without longer thinking she agreed to go with her friend ".. oh wait where's Jiyeon?"

"She can't go. I've already asked her" Soobin shrugged and took Exy's hand and dragged her out from the building.

On the way out, Exy saw Jooheon stood in front of someone who looked like Jackson.. Well ofcourse he was Jackson because Changkyun stood next to Jooheon. It's obvious.

She caught a pair of eyes, sharp as always. He was looking at her too.. It was like all of the sudden the time went slow.. everybody who walked passed them was all blurry. It was only their eyes probably sending codes to each other that they, themselves, didn't even understand. It wasn't long..

She immediately turned her head away to hide her slightly red cheek.




"how was it?" Soobin asked as she licked the ice cream she held for almost 10 minutes.

"How was what?" Exy furrowed her eyebrows, while munching on her ice cream.

"working with Jooheon. How was he? I mean is that person really annoying?"

"yes absolutely. Super annoying. I still hate him"

"ahahaha do you hate him that much?"

"sooo much! He's like a five year-old kid shouting around ordering people to do or to obey what he want!"

"be careful. Too much hate can turn into love" Soobin winked and scooped her tiny spoon to her icecream.

"yepp, no way. Never gonna happen." she continued to eat her ice cream. She had it in a cup instead of a cone because she didn't want a mess on her hands.

"lets see then... " Soobin mocked her while smirking.

"Nooooope. No no. I don't like people with attitude like that."

Actually, I don't know ...

"mmmm okay whatever ahaha" she bit the cone and ready to say something again to Exy. "by the way .. did you watch his interview yesterday?"


"yeah! Jooheon's interview. Did you watch it?"

"uh.. yeah, I accidentally watched it, but not till the end because..." Exy cleared her throat, "..because I had to take care of something" she looked down. She wanted to forget the interview because she didn't want to be reminded about Jooheon having a crush on a girl.

"he said he has a crush on a girl fr-"

"yes yes I know that. I know that." Exy interrupted Soobin before her friend managed to finish her sentence because she truly didn't want to recall that topic again.

Soobin noticed there was a sudden change on her expression. The way Exy interrupted her talking about Jooheon having a crush made her quite suspicious because this was not the Exy she knew, the Exy who had a major hate towards Lee Jooheon. What's wrong ?

"okay.. I wonder who the lucky girl is...." She continued.

Exy was quiet for a moment and then requested with a sigh, "Let's go home? I'm tired I wanna sleep"

Soobin has just gotten more curious about this behavior "Umm okay. Wait I'll wash my hand first."

"Okay I'll be at the front" She stood up and walked outside.




She scrolled through her Instagram feed and accidentally clicked on a post that had Jooheon on it. She tapped on the picture and found his Instagram account.


She never expected that this guy had so many followers. Her thumb was right on top of the follow button.

She glanced over the following button, only 10 people and it was all celebrities... 'no way that hes gonna follow me back' she continued scrolling through the following list 'oh wait. And Jackson and Changkyun. Okay'

Knowing that he also followed his friends, she almost hit the follow button but suddenly she lost her confidence. 'why did I think about following him? Didn't I hate him?'

She slapped her hand hard enough that she dropped her phone on to her face. "NO NO NO NO NOOO!"


"WHY MOSQUITO AT THIS TIME!?!?!" She screamed as she threw her phone to the bed feeling defeated by the tiny mosquito.

She took her phone back and wanted to unfollow him but then she thought 'It's just a follow... besides, I'm also his friend right?'


I scroll through my Instagram feeds and tapped on the notification.

No notification on YOU and she swiped to the left to see the FOLLOWING activity.

exy_s2 started following reaL_Jhoney. 28s

"um... what??"




New update!

I hope this book will be recognized tho ahaha because honestly, I personally like this story and already have the draft for the upcoming chapters..... 

well, see yall soon ! ILY !

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