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(last chapter to suicidal love)

I wake up with a tube strapped to my face, pumping air into my lungs. My vision is blurred and my head throbbed, like as if an ax had been wedged into my skull. I grunted from the pain as it came over me, a single tear falling down my cheek. "Sh, sh, baby.", I heard a soft, comforting voice whisper in my ear. I detached the tube to sutter, "Wh-Who?", demanding to know the source of this gentle-toned reassurance. "Shhh ....", the voice repeated, a rough, yet tender hand caressing my cheek and wiping away my lone tear. "Stay calm. Everything's going to be okay, sweetheart."

I blinked, a flutter of eyelids clearing my vision. A worried face came into focus, hovering just above my aching wound, creamy, brown eyes staring back into my gaze. "M-Magnus?", I asked, my question answered by a single, modest nod. I smiled a small smile and let myself sink into the hospital bed. At this point, the tube was laying beside me on my mattress which was covered with a shockingly sterile, white sheet. Breathing without it was difficult, however, and I was now somehow, suddenly exhausted. I glanced over at it, signaling for Magnus to reattach it with the medical tape still clinging to its exterior. He nodded once again, catching my drift precisely, before doing what I requested of him to do.

I inhaled deeply, relieved by the help the machine provided. I looked back up at Magnus' beautiful face and saw him smile softly as he removed a stray lock of hair from my face, and returned it to its proper position behind my ear. "I love you so much.", he mumbled and I closed my eyes, unable to do anything else but to just enjoy the feel of his presence. 'I love you more.', I thought, as I drifted back into sleep.

∘〇 〇∘

A few hours later, I awoke to find Magnus napping, head bobbing, in the chair by my bed. I found that it was easier to breathe than the last time I took off the tube when I took it off to speak and decided to leave it off.

"Magnus?", I croaked. The second I spoke, his head shot up. Suddenly awakened by the sound of my voice, he blinked a couple times before replying. "Oh, hi, Alexander.", he said awkwardly. I smiled, "Hi.". He smiled back, "Are you feeling better?". I nodded, "Yeah." He looked down at his lap and replied, voice quiet, "Good, that's good.", before standing and walking towards the door. "Where are you going?", I asked, curiosity and concern coming at me like fire to gasoline. "Just getting a breath of fresh air, darling.", he said on his way out.

Worried and confused, I stumbling out of bed after he disappeared from sight, silently pushing the IV rack beside me. My head hurt with unforgiving jolts of pain, but I still trudged on, following Magnus' retreating figure. Eventually, I neared a corner, and saw him through a glass door to my left. He was outside, standing in a patch of grass, and leaning on the brick exterior wall of the hospital. A freshly lighted cigarette was resting in the cradle of the middle and index fingers of his right hand. I watched him inhale through the cigarette, then exhale a puff of smoke. I never knew he smoked, I just assumed that since he was underage, that he didn't. I wanted to go to him, but I knew I'd better be in bed when he got back, so I snuck back into my hospital bed and quickly fell asleep.

∘〇 〇∘

A awoke to a nurse tapping my shoulder. Magnus was gone and a stranger had taken his place. Before I could ask where he went, the nurse was explaining that she had to run a few tests. "Where's Magnus?", I asked, when the nurse finally allowed me to speak. "Who?" "My friend, he was just in here a while ago." Face suddenly turned solemn, she lowered her head and said in a weak voice, "He won't be visiting for a while.", before hurriedly collecting her instruments and rushing out the door.

I cried after her, but she ignored my pleas as I could hear her footsteps going faster down the hallway. "He's okay. He's okay. He's okay. He's got to be okay.", I whispered to myself as I frantically pushed the red emergency button on the side of my hospital bed until nurses began to flood the room.

"He's got to be okay."

Here's the end of this fanfiction. I decided to leave it at a pretty big cliffhanger because I knew I wasn't going to be able to put all I wanted to say in this one chapter and I knew I was more likely to write a sequel if I left it on a cliffhanger. I hope you enjoyed. :) <3

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