Sleep, and letters

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Wooowwww  so sozzz for the late upload. who's excited that summer has started! me.

ok guys this story is for watty awards. so please support me, vote, comment and so on!

the new cover was made by XxsmileyfacexX.

and the picture/ cover on the side was made by Mzenun.

and it's not edited, so forgive me.

"Come on Bells" Chris grins, and grabs my hand.

I giggle and let him guide me into the blooming meadow.

Flowers are sprouting everywhere, and the air is clean and fresh. Smiling contently, I pull Chris closer to me and together we sit down on the soft tufts of grass and greens that grow beneith our feet.

"It's so beautiful" I breathe. Chris strokes my hair in slow motions, wiht out a word.

The sound of running water, confirms that a water fall lies not far from were we are now. The warm breeze kisses my skin, and all I can think of is that this moment is simply perfect.

The soothing sound of the water stops abruptedly and is unnatrualy replaced by a sound that doesn't belong or fit in this moment.


"What the hell?!" I sit up in bed so quickly my hair flys all around me. Rubbing my eyes from sleep I survey my suroundings, until my eyes fall on the source of noice that had inturupted my blissful dream.

"EVERYDAY I'M SHUFFLING!" It breaks out into the corus of the song ounce again. I glare at my alarm clock/ phone. I had been using my cell phone over the past weeks as a clock since as you all know I had physically distroyed my my last one.

Punching the 'off' button, I fall back into bed and let out a sigh.

"Bella, time for school" comes a sleepy voice that belongs to my mother, who just so happens to be one of those people who thinks school and education is extremly important.

Oh joy.

"Mum, your still in bed" I point out, in the hopes that she will think-like me- that if she's in bed, then I have the exact same right as her to stay in too.

"Yes yes, but I've finished school. You have a good three-four years to go hon" she replys.

I choose a colourful varioty of curses, and grumpily sit up in bed. I brush some hair behind my ear and look at the time.

5:45 am.

"Mum! It's quarter to six in the flipping morning!" I had somhow gotton to my feet by this point.

A morning person. Thats what I said I was, not a dawn girl. There is a difference.

Since I had just woken up... and my mum hadn't aswered to my outburst, I went to the bathroom to bruth my teeth and shower. I had thought it pointless to try and get back to sleep if I was already up.

After drying up and dressing in some skinny jeans and a white  of-the-shoulder tee shirt with a faded union jack printed on the front, I felt refreshed and clean.

I trot down the stairs and grab a granola bar before walking over to the back of the house to the garden.

I walk down the little path sorounded by all the flowers until I get to the small clearing were I used to play with my brother.

I quietly sit under the ancient tree and lean my back on it.

I love quiet.

That was the one thought running through my head as I sat there in the warm june breeze.

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