Chapter 2 ~ Heirs & Speirs

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Seven months after the coronation the world shifted its gaze back on Britain and its newest member of the British Royal Family Princess Elizabeth Anne Diana Windsor; sixth in line for the throne and of course named after Queen Elizabeth. This royal baby was the first not to be christened in the Church of England but instead, be dedicated and blessed in the Seventh-day Adventist Church and this fact attracted worldwide press coverage of the event. Amelia chose Maria to be a Godmother alongside Amelia's first cousin the honourable Lady Liana and Prince William as Godfather alongside Harry's cousin Peter Philips, it was a controversial move for a Seventh-day Adventist, however, it was tradition, and there is nothing wrong with spiritual mentors.

As the parishioners arrived at the church in Windsor, the atmosphere was full of joy and happiness. The excited mood grew when the members of the royal family arrived, yet they behaved like any other family. Queen Elizabeth dressed in a pale lilac coloured dress coat and hat held baby Elizabeth; it was clear that there was certain affection for the new addition. George and Charlotte wanted to sit with their Gangan too and fought for a seat next to her. However, when Maria and Stephan arrived, it was very apparent that she was about 7.5 months pregnant.

"Your Majesty. You're glowing!" Commented Amelia as she gave a small curtsy to her dear friend. "Now, where would you like to sit?"

"I am happy with anywhere as long as it's easy to get up and out to the front when I need to," Maria replied giving Amelia a small kiss.

Sitting behind Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip she watched as George and Charlotte quietly sat listen to every word as the service started. She had been to many Adventist church services before; most of them were during her time at Avondale with Amelia.

Amelia had always wanted children. However, the thought was daunting. She was often described as being more 'royal' than the real royals. In many ways it was true, being brought up in a very traditional British-Australian home she had a deep affection for the old ways of doing things; part of that was today's ceremony. The congregation watched as Queen Elizabeth rocked the new princess to sleep then handing the infant to Amelia. The Princess was certainly warm in the heirloom Christening gown. Her thick brunette hair and dark blue eyes were a positive reflection of Amelia.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to dedicate the life of this child to the ways of the Lord." Announced the minister as she ushered Amelia and Harry to the front. "I understand that you have chosen two of her closest friends to be spiritual mentors. As parents it is your role to guide and nurtures your child in the ways of God, do you promise to do so?"

"Yes, we do." Answered Harry.

"May I hold her?" Asked the minister. Handing over the princess the priest prayed over her. The little Princess remained asleep during the whole ceremony much to the joy of Amelia as she carefully watched.

Once the service was over it was time for lunch and what better way to celebrate than a good old family dinner. Windsor had its grand table assembled on Friday before to accommodate the entire royal family and other royal guests, and the food and flowers were all displayed and collected while everyone was away for pre-lunch horderves and beverages and photographs. This wasn't as grand as state dinners, but it was a special day in the royal calendar. To cut costs down Queen Elizabeth showed the woman how to roll the butter to create the perfect butter pats, it was very therapeutic in a way; a sort of, girls-night-in.

As the family arrived back for lunch, the sound of the children running around down the halls alerted the staff to make sure everything was immaculate. As all the guests talked amongst themselves, the children were preoccupied with Amelia's new puppy litter. "What are the new puppies names?" Asked Queen Elizabeth as she spoke to the youngsters.

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