prologue ♡

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(Phils POV)

Ever since I was five, I've lived my life by the minute.
Days into hours into minutes into the 60 seconds in between the clock turns.
A lot can happen in 60 seconds; it can be the difference between life and death. Most people don't realize this, but I've done my research.
The wrong drug, the wrong step, could happen in the matter of seconds. And then it's over. No do overs, no repeats. It can life altering or life ending, but every second counts.
I didn't realize this until I was five, until I knew my first Time.
11:37. I remember saying it out loud when I woke up, my tiny hands clutching the sheets of my bed until my knuckles were white. My muscles clenching from a distressing dream filled with tears and grief and the distant sound of a phone ringing.
Unlike most five year olds waking up in a fit, I didn't cry from the dream, only sat in bed eerily peaceful and quiet until my breathing calmed down and I slowly released the bed covers from my strangling grasp. Gradually, the details of the dream escaped my memory, but the time remained in the front of my mind as if someone had written it on the inside of my eyelids. 11:37.
But With a wondering five year old mind, the time too escaped as I was given breakfast and a kiss on the head from my mom. I continued my morning, playing with toys and preceding with my normal five year old life, until the phone rang.
The ringing from my dream, so loud and vivid again it struck me immobile, my arm freezing in the air with a toy car tightly in my hand. I Heard my mom answer with a cheery hello, but soon the cheeriness was replaced with heart wrenching sobs.
I regained my ability to move and ran to my mom's side, to find her sitting on the floor and back against the wall. Her head hung between her legs and she was crying. I fell down next to her and put my chubby arms around her shaking frame, making her look up with glistening eyes.
"It's g-grandma" She hiccuped. "She-shes..."'
I start to cry with her, overcome with a wave of grief. Looking up for a moment, my eyes glance at the clock on the oven, and I catch the red numbers a second before they change. 11:37.
From that moment on, I woke up every morning with vague remains of a dream and a time imprinted in my mind. Trying to fight it was no use, I learned, and I came to know the truth; Fate will find a way. Always.

We're so excited about this story and publishing it aghhhh

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-Chapter written by: Molly💫

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