ten - friends... ♡

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The whole walk home, Dan was unable to wipe the grin off of his face.

He did it. He had a real conversation with Phil Lester. No yelling or crying or bad words involved. He made Phil smile, and god his smile. It was the most perfect thing Dan's ever seen.

He flopped on his bed, feeling tingly all over. Phil wanted to be friends with him. Phil Lester, the most beautiful person he's ever seen, wanted to be friends with him, Dan Howell. Dan couldn't believe his luck of them becoming partners, otherwise they may never would have made up.

Smiling wide, he pulled out his phone and immediately unblocked Phil. He began to type out a message, but then stopped. He wouldn't want to scare him away, they had just talked for the first good time not even 45 minutes ago.

Dan decided then and there that he had to cover his...crush on Phil. Taking a deep breath and sitting up , he turned off his phone and tossed it across the room. He was sure Phil wasn't gay after their conversation the other day, so If he could never actually be with Phil, they could at least become friends. 


A few hours had passed, it was now 11pm. Dan decided to check out Phil's messenger profile and see if he was online, which he was. Phil's profile picture was of him and another girl - presumably his girlfriend, or so Dan thought - posing for a selfie, Phils black hair swooped across his forehead as usual and his eyes closed as he smiled a beaming grin at the camera, exposing his wonky yet adorable teeth. Dan let out a sigh of adoration as he locked his phone once again. No. He wouldn't be the one to message him first. A shiver was sent down the boys spine as he recalled Phil's harsh words:

"What are you waiting for? An apology? A hug? A kiss? What are you, Howell, fucking gay?"
The words seemed to echo inside of his chest, in and out of every rib. Shaking his head and attempting to repress the painful memory, Dan stands up and walks toward his bedroom door, and begins running down the stairs towards the kitchen, where he finds his mom stood over the counter, buttering a piece of bread.

"Hey sweetheart! I'm just making some sandwiches for you for dinner, its nothing fancy but me and your father are going to stay at his mother's house, she isn't feeling great so we just wanted to stay with her for the night. Either way, I'd rather you ate this sandwich  than all of that junk food; the other day I could have sworn i found a mixture of jelly and peanuts spread on toast moulding under your bed; sometimes I really don't understand you, Dan." His mother averted her attention back to the bread as she shook her head with a fond smile upon her face.

Dan smiled softly as he opened the fridge and grabbed a yoghurt, ripping off the lid and taking a spoon from the drawer.

"Don't eat too many snacks, Daniel, otherwise I would have made this sandwich for nothing!" Dan's mom called as he continued up the stairs.

"I won't!"

As Dan sat himself back down on the bed, he opened up his laptop and put on some music, laying back in his bed, phone resting in his hands as he did so. Averting his vision to the wall, he checks the time and sees that the clock reads 12.09am. Putting his phone down, he turns to his bedside table and begins eating the yoghurt he had previously forgotten about. Meanwhile, he opens up messenger on his laptop to check if anyone was still up.

Ouch it's been a while
Hope you're still enjoying!! We hope to be adding a lot soon :)))

Chapter by-Sammy 🌙and molly 💫

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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