The tears we shead.

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As Carlos sobbed Curella stood there on shock. How can a young man like Carlos cry?

C: " How can you do this to me? " Carlos sobbed.

CD: " D-do what? " Curella stuttered.

C: " Give me life if it was just going to kill me from the inside? "

CD: "I don't get what you mean"

C: " You know what I can't even talk to you so what's the point of me coming to see this crazy bitch. " He signaled the guards to take her back to her cell.

CD: " Carlos!  Don't let them take me!  Please don't let them! " Curella sobbed

C: " How dose your medicine taste? "

After Carlos left the asylum he got a call from mal. She was telling him to hurry to get home. That's weird she was happy about something.

Flash back/Carlo POV:

It was June and it was hot outside mal was nine months pregnant when Jay came down with a fever they both knew the pregnancy was fatal but no one could take care of him. So mal took care of him... A few days later mal goes into labor and Jay is freaking out.

After jade was born mal was holding her still born child. Mal was always broken and heart broken when she sees a pregnant woman or when she sees her ultra sound pics.

Back to present time.

Carlos just pulled into the driveway. Evie picked up her way to tell Carlos that her child is a girl. Evie was so scared of Carlos finding out before she wanted to tell her secret.

Cuts and Bruies a carvie love storyWhere stories live. Discover now