14- irl

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I roamed the shopping centre with poppy, I was never the one to love shopping, I always got bored after the first few shops. This girl never got tired of shopping...

After a solid 3 hours my feet were screaming, as well as my stomach. A kfc light shine out, illuminating as the only thing my eyes could see. Leaving pops in the shop, I wandered to kfc, deciding on a quick text to tell her where I went. I got my order and sat at a table in the far corner, away from the loud raucous I could hear from the other side of the shop.

Suddenly there was a voice I recognised within the group, I froze and I could feel my heart in my throat. I lost all interest in my chicken and just wanted to see his face. But before I could think of what I was doing, my feet carried me to their table. It was clear my mind didn't think of what would happen by the time i had got there. I just stood at the foot of their table, holding my chicken, god I bet I looked like an idiot. A smile approached on the blondes face as he came and wrapped his arms around me and the boys all gave weird looks. I awkwardly smiled as his arms unwrapped from around my neck.

The boys all stared at me, clearly not knowing who I was and a little shocked at the female who just stood at the end of their table staring at them. I awkwardly waved my hand and gave them a toothy smile as they carried on giving me weird looks. Simon laughed and introduced me whilst the boys all made an 'oooo' sounds and chuckled. Hi's were exchanged and I was invited to join them to eat, which was a little awkward at first with not knowing anyone but soon enough the few I did know introduced themselves, and there was a few snide comments from JJ thinking I didn't hear him. I mean what did I expect?

Soon enough we'd all finished our food as poppy came bounding through the door bellowing for me. She caught a glimpse of me and slowly backed away laughing at not expecting there to be so many people before jumping back up to me and sitting on my lap in a fit of giggles, looking around at all the boys infront of us.

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