18- irl and insta

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I never wanted the night to end, but I suppose all good things come to an end, and we both knew this...so we tried our hardest to never let it come to this.

Pulling up outside my house, I was expecting us to part ways, "I'll wait here, go get a jumper and some sensible shoes, be quick."
I flashed him a smile, not questioning him, knowing whatever he had planned was gonna be good, and to question it, would be pointless as I knew he wouldn't tell me anyway.

I hopped out of the car and unlocked the door, running to my bedroom. I swung open the wardrobe and picked up the first hoodie I saw, and a pair of converse. The sudden feeling of loneliness spread upon me, even though we've been apart for not even 2 minutes, I felt like I needed his presence straight away, and that we'd already been apart way too long. Sprinting back down the stairs, I pulled the door shut and locked it again.
I got back into the car whilst si pointed to the back of his wrist holding in a stifle of a laugh, whilst shaking his head, "not too bad, someone must be eager." I returned his statement with a glare as he started up the engine and drove off down the road, letting his laugh finally go.

We pulled up at a park not that far from my house, I'd always loved parks. I never liked going in the day for the fear of being judged by parents, who could tell I didn't have a child and Just came to play, I feared of looking like a loser, let's say. But I couldn't resist sometimes, when things got too much, the swings were a great place to be. Swinging back and forth, hair blowing in the wind, feeling weightless. All your problems are gone, and you're a child again. The only sound to be heard is the lost laughter of children in the breeze and the squeaking of the chains. Everything's ok.

I looked at Simon, a huge grin painted across his face from noticing my excitement, knowing he did good. I squealed whilst practically leaping out of the car, pulling the sweater over my head. I ran to the swings, hearing him shout me, each time my name getting more and more distant. I pulled up against one of the two swings, and scraped my hair into a ponytail with a scrunchie. I jumped on and felt two gentle hands push me lightly on the back. I flung my head back, to be met by two bright eyes and a huge smile. Once I was going, he sat down next to me and swung himself, letting out a deep breath.

"Penny for a thought?"
He chuckled at my statement before breathing again and looking over at me. "It's just, I don't know. I feel different, and it's new but it's good. It's like that feeling when you miss a step, and your heart lurches, or when take a big drink when you've been needing it for hours. It's like pins and needles, but softer, and nicer, it's like... I don't know what it's like but I like it. If must be too soon, mustn't it? I just don't understand this feeling and how it's come so fast. "
My heart jumped and danced inside of me, I don't know why, just him saying that I made him felt good, was the best compliment he could've given me. I knew it wasn't directed at my looks, but about me as a whole, which no guy has ever said. I couldn't help but smile at him, I jumped off my swing and sat on his lap, his swing still swinging. I gazed into his eyes, getting lost before I couldn't take his temptation any longer and closed the distance. The kiss was light, but strong, full of desire and lust, but still calm and soothing.

We pulled apart after a while, and I walked back to my swing, sitting down. "It's weird isn't it, I didn't know it was possible to fall for someone so quickly." I said, gazing over at him.
He just smiled as his reply, he didn't need to say anything, his smile said a thousand words, and not one of them was bad. I looked back up to the sky, it was getting a little dark, but the it was still blue, the wind was gentle but refreshing.

"I want a picture, this is a perfect moment, with a perfect view and a perfect girl, and I need this captured forever"
"Si, when have you been this cheesy? It ain't like you" I said whilst laughing and shaking my head lightly.
"Oh shut up and look back to the park." He teased.

The sound of a camera went off from behind me, then I got the familiar ping of an Instagram post.


@miniminter just posted a photo What a moment

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@miniminter just posted a photo
What a moment. What a girl.

@minimintersgirl is this bitch taking my man?
@minishannon ew.
@heyguysitsmesimonsbitch someone get me a bucket, I bet the only reason he didn't take a picture of her face was cause it's so disgusting it'd make us all throw up.

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