Chapter 3- Where've you been all my life?!

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A.N. Ok I'm gonna try to upload a lot today but it depends lazy I am. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's about to get even better because...well, just read it already xD

The rest of the boring school day went in a blur as I simply sat in my classes doodling in my sketchbook until the bell rang. Finally after seven useless hours of torture, the release bell rang and I was free to go. As I was walking down the hall while trying to get out my ipod at the same time, I felt a hand softly brush my shoulder.


I let out a yelp of surprise and whipped around, only to be faced with the quizzical stares of my classmates. A few of them whispered to each other and others snickered. I rolled my eyes and continued out the doors, shoving in my earbuds as I went.

I walked slowly to my house, blasting my music. My mom always said that if I didn't turn it down, then I would either go deaf, or my ears would bleed. Oh well. I finally arrived at my house, only to find the front door locked. I rang the door bell and waited a few moments. No answer.

"Of course," I thought, "Mom's still at work." I sighed a trudged back down the porch steps. I decided that I would much rather take a walk than sit on the porch waiting for my mother. It would be a few hours until she got home so I had plenty of time to just walk around.

As I was walking the quiet streets of my small town, I noticed a building that I hadn't seen before. It wa sa tall worn down warehouse. The warehouse engendered a strange feeling for me. Part of me was screaming: Don't go in there, look how dangerous it is! While the other part was screaming: Well, it looks very peaceful, and no one would bother you in there.

I decided to listen to the latter of the two voices and slowly walked over to the entrance of the warehouse. I was pleased ot see no 'Beware' or 'No Tresspassing' signs at the entrance. I opened the door and pulled it open with a faint creak noise. I walked in and took in my surroundings.

There was graffitti all over the walls. I laughed out loud at some of the spelling errors in the graffitti. I went around the room looking at all the beautiful graffitti until one caught my eye. There, in bold red letters, was 3:33. I prayed to God that it was red paint. 

"It can't be blood...right?" I thought to myself. I stood there, shell-shocked, staring at the bright red numbers for about five minutes.

I whipped around when I heard the faint pitter-patter of feet. There was no one. A shiver that had nothing to do with the cold ran up my spine. I started jogging towards the door.


This time I did scream. I turned around once more, only to be met with a small shard of glass on the floor. It looked like it could've come from a mirror...

I froze in my tracks, unable to move, my thoughts trailing back to this morning in the girl's bathroom. At the exact time I was picturing the dark figure approaching me from the bathroom mirror, I saw a faint glint of something.

I looked back at the mirror to see...was it light? No. It was darkness, easing its way out of the shard. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand as the full bodied apparition that had haunted my nights for so long appeared.  He moved slowly towards me, his bright hazel eyes locked on my gaze. I fell backwards, unable to move out of fear. Before I knew it, everything went black.


I woke up later that day. The sun was just starting to set and my mother would probably be at work for just another hour or so. I looked around and saw that I was still in the warehouse. I looked bown at my hands, fully expecting them to be tied up, but they were free.

In fact, I wasn't restrained at all. I jumped up and rushed to the door, only to find it locked. I sighed and went back to sit. As I was sitting there, thinking about my strange predicament, the shadow man appeared at the other end of the room. This time I was not scared. Why should I be? He hadn't actually done anything to harm me.

He shuffled his feet (which i noticed had black converse on them) over to me until he was standing right next to me. I looked up into his hazel eyes. Ugh, they looked so fimiliar!

"," He stuttered. I gave him a confused look. He gestured towards my sketchbook.

"Y-you want to write it down?" I asked quietly. He nodded and I handed him my sketchbook. He found a blank page and slowly wrote in sloppy handwriting:

I'm your father. I need you.

I just stared at the paper in complete and utter shock. I glanced back up at him with a mixture of worry, happiness, and confusion in my eyes.


Haha SURPRISED?! Heeheehee. Well tell me what you thought down in the comments!! I'll probably upload more today later...if I can get off my lazy butt. Oh well. I hope you enjoyed this!! :D

Catch ya later Killjoys,

Helena <3

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