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Aha! Just so we are all clear before I go on this little rampage, this part of the story holds my opinion of something. To others I may be wrong and some I may be right, but in all reality, I'm right to myself. And if anyone has anything to say on the matter please comment or inbox if you don't want to make it public. I'm not going to criticize anyone for their opinions, as long as they don't criticize mine. I really do care about everyone's opinion/point of view<3

-.- There are so many young girls and guys becoming parents, it's not even funny. No I'm not judging them for what they do. Do what you want, I ain't your momma. But when they get pregnant or get somebody pregnant usually they don't want it to happen. Most of the time they don't want it to happen. so why not use a fucking condom or birth control or this crazy idea DON'T DO IT AT ALL! I know so many girls and boys who refuse to wear condoms and a few girls that don't want to take birth control but still want to have sex. No -.-

Then when they get pregnant and decide "I'm not going to take responsibility for my stupidity and get an abortion." Hella no. That's when I lose all respect for you. Abortion is murder and you're murdering a baby. That's fucking wrong. If you don't want a child you have many options

1. Suck it the fuck up! You got yourself into this mess, deal with the consequences.

2. Give it up for adoption. There are people that want a child but cant have one that could take good care of the baby.

3. If you have a parent or guardian or relative that is old enough for the child and wants to adopt it let thrm. But with this you also need to accept your damn fate as a parent and help take care of it.


Like seriously, get a clue.

Um... this came up last week in school. We were doing arguementive essays for english and this one girl did hers PRO abortion. And honestly, it pissed me off. Terribly.And we werent allowed to bitch at her so I figured I would do it here. Do me a favor, keep it in your sneaker. Please

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