Chapter 7

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  As I was driving Max to school I kept thinking about how the hell this kid even survive. Being home alone every day never having a parent to say morning or good night to, it broke my heart. When I getting break feast started I heard footsteps downstairs thinking it was Kevin.

 "Clown?" I heard a soft sleepy voice say. Looking up I saw a sleepily Max in a black rob what little kid wears a robe? doesn't he own any batman pjs or something? 

 "Good morning, Max" I said putting the blow of pancake batter down, walking towards him he broke out in a run, and run towards me giving me a huge almost knocking my ass down.

 "You came back" he said hugging me tighter, once he let go I bent down and messed his hair.

 "Hell yeah I'm back," I said giving him a smile "Now, let's get you ready for school" getting up and taking his hand, he pulled me back.

 "Where are you going?" he asks confused.

 "I'm going to help you get ready," I said more like a question.

 "Oh, It's ok I dress my self"

 Shocked, I asked, "How old are you?"

 "Six" he said holding up his hands showing my six fingers.

 "Your SIX and you know how to get ready for your self?" I said almost yelling, he took a step back and looked down. "Are you sure you don't need my help?"

 I saw him smile, and quickly try to hide it leaving him blushing "No" he yelled back at me running upstairs. Still shocked I let it go for this morning, tonight I'm going to buy him new pj's.

 "After school, we're going to go shopping," I said looking at the rearview mirror. Max is staring at the window "What would you like for dinner?" I asked. I saw him jump in surprise and look up at me, I smiled and move my eyes back towards the road.

 "I was thinking maybe some mac and cheese, with a side of chicken tenders?" I looked up to see a smile. Once I reached the front of his school he got out so fast I wasn't able to say goodbye or even give him his lunch.

 "Just great" finding a place to park I got out of the car and went to the front office.

 "Hello, how can I help you?" the man at the front desk asked with a smile.

 "Yes, I would like to know where is Max Powers classroom is he forgot his lunch," I said showing him the bag.

 He took a moment to study me, I know I wasn't my best right now since I'm in the same outfit I wore the night before but jeez.

 "Are you a family friend or?" he said dragging out the R.

 "I'm a--" dam it how do I explain it?

  "I'm his father's girlfriend, and I live with them" Good one Jackie!

 He looks at me one last time before going on to the computer and looks up Max's teacher.

 "I didn't even know Mr. Powers was even dating," he says writing down the building and room number. Before he hands me the slip he says "Please take care of that boy" and with that, I take the slip and leave. I found out his classroom was the room where we first met.

 I looked through the door window to find Max sitting in the back, I knocked on the door before opening it.

 "Now cla---yes, can I help you?" I look away for Max's shock was to see the teacher. Wow, he is tall, I thought as I raised my head to look up at him. Max's teacher looked like he could give those NBA players a run for their money. My guess he's at least 6 foot 6 but then again I could be wrong, and oh my gosh those muscles, that suite does not do him any justice.

 "Oh, sorry" walking towards him and sticking out my hand I gave him a smile "Jackie, I'm here to give Max lunch he forgot" he shakes my hand and gives me a smile cause my stomach to flip, and says ok. As I walk over to Max's desk, I notice that the whole class is staring at me confused just like high school.

 "Hey Max," I said bending down and putting the lunch on his desk "Sorry it's a little big" I said with a laugh "I didn't know what you liked, so I made a bit of everything if you like you can share with your friends," I said looking around to see the class still looking at me.

 "I'm going to go now, I'll pick you up later," I said giving him a wink. 

 I slowly got up and started to walk towards the teacher "Sorry for disturbing your class" 

 He smiles and sticks out his hand "It's fine, I feel like I was putting him to sleep anyway" I shake his hand and laugh "Sorry, I didn't introduce my self I'm Mr. Drake" he says with a smile shaking my hand tighter.

 "Nice to  meet you"

 "Ooohhhh" we both turn to see the whole class smiling and giggling.

 Mr. Drake quickly lets go of my head "Ok class enough, back to work" he says clapping his hands and walking towards the board. 

"Bye class" I waved goodbye walking towards the door.

 "Byeee Miss. Jackie" the class says while laughing I roll my eyes and catch one last glance to Max seeing staring at the lunch box before I closed the door.

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