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Felicity's pov

I followed closely behind Holly as we walked into the science lab and took a seat on the stools on the right half of the room.

the class soon filled up as people walked in and quickly took their seats. every time I heard the door open I looked up to see if it was going to be Luke walking in. I was very intrigued by this boy and wasn't too sure why.

just as the teacher was beginning to start the lesson, in walked the three boys who I had seen with Luke in the hallway earlier on today.

"quick guys, take your seats, we need to get this lesson started." the teacher spoke over enthusiastically, scurrying over to the door to shut behind the three boys.

"oh my, I'm so sorry for being so rude." she said as soon as she caught sight of me. of course this made everyone's attention go to me.

"everyone, this is our new addition to the class, Felicity Matthews. I hope you all mak-" her rather uncomfortable speech was soon cut off as the door flew open and in walked an unfamiliar, very angry looking girl. she was very small, probably standing at only a few inches over 5 feet. her, clearly, dyed, blonde hair was in waves and sat around halfway down the thin straps of her low cut pink strappy top.

she slammed the door behind her before making her way to her seat, which of course, was opposite mine.

"Alexa, how nice of you to join us." she simply rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, putting her face down onto the desk.

seconds later the door flew open again, however this time I recognised the person.

it was Luke.

I felt a sharp pain as something kicked my shin underneath the table causing me to let out a high pitched yelp.

I quickly cleared my throat, trying to act as casual as possible as a few people turned their heads to look at me.

Luke’s expression was equally as angry as the girl who walked in moments before him, whose name I had just learnt was Alexa.

“Lucas Hemmings you are late, once agan.” the teacher spoke sternly, sighing as he took his seat with the boys I had seen earlier.

“you should just be happy I turned up.” Luke grumbled in reply to which the teacher simply rolled her eyes and carried on with the lesson.

I was somewhat grateful for Luke turning up late to the lesson as it had made the teacher completely forget what she was talking about before.

the lesson dragged on painfully slowly as the teacher, whose name I had discovered was Miss Ball, rambled on about atoms and ions before she instructed us to work out of the textbook and answer the questions so she could get on with marking.

the class was silent apart from the occasional whisper.  I was trying my best to get on with the work in front of me but it was proving to be rather difficult when I could practically feel the girl in front of me’s gaze burning through me.

I felt a slight jab in my shin and assumed it was Holly again, but as I looked at her and noticed her attention focused on the work in front of her, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before hearing Alexa sigh loudly.

I turned my head to see Alexa looking expectantly at me.

“so, you’re the new girl?” she whispered so no one else could hear, pursing her lips slightly as she waited for a response.

“uh, yeah, I guess I am.” I replied, shifting uncomfortably in my seat as I smiled at the girl before going back to doing my work.

just by looking at this girl it was clear that you did not want to get on the bad side of her, and I did not intend to. this was a fresh start and I didn’t want to ruin it, especially not before my first day was over.

she reached over the table and took the pen out of my hand, throwing it down onto the table.

I noticed her stare at me for a few seconds before she smirked. “you’re cute.”

“thanks?” I questioned, my lips forming a half smile, unsure whether it was fake or not yet.

her gaze was fixed on me for a little longer this time before the smirk on her face turned into a full blown smile and her face lit up, as it she had just sparked up a brilliant idea.

“so, it’s my birthday on Friday and I’m throwing a big party. wanna come?” It was then I noticed Holly drop her pen and turn around to face us.

“no, absolutely not.” Holly answered and Alexa rolled her eyes.

“holly, she can decide for herself, shut up.”

it was Holly’s turn to roll her eyes now as both of them looked at me waiting for me to speak up, and when I didn’t, Alexa decided to.

“fine, Holly, you can come too.” Alexa said whilst plastering a fake smile across her face, diverting her attention back to me. “so, I’ll see you there?”

I looked to Holly and saw her shaking her head as if to say ‘Whatever’.

“um, yeah, sure. We’ll be there.” declining this invitation did not seem like a good idea to me, no matter how much of a party girl I wasn’t, and how off Holly seemed about the whole situation. I wanted to give it a chance.

“great.” Alexa smiled as the school bell rang, indicating the end of the day. “Holly has my address, be there for 9. I’ll see you around.”

and with that, she was gone, leaving me with copious questions running through my head which I could only hope Holly had the answers to.



so I'm curious who does everyone think alexa is?????

she's not luke's girlfriend but she has a connection to luke okay

thank you soo much for 3k+ reads omg that's crazy

also I've ended college now so updates will be v frequent yay

thank you for reading xxxxx

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