"The Ritual of Kidnapping" Chapter 3

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Skim's pack went home after knowing Sully was the "Silver Spiked Wolf" Chaster went back thinking.. "How can I get him to trust me" He thinked and thinked than he got it. "THATS IT" he yells "I know my plan" Sully was walking late at night and felt a hand on his shoulder and he heard a familiar voice but... he couldn't remember who's voice it belonged too.. Chaster started talking saying " Hey Sully I got a task for you all thought its a secret of who I am isn't it? Not now thought tomorrow visit this address and... I'll be waiting" he laughs a little and hands Sully a piece of paper of his address of his hideout Sully didn't know what he was getting into but he accepted to know who the man was again. (The next day...) Sully arrives at the place and opens the door quietly "Hello?.." He says loud and a little nervous then he sees Chaster walking down a big staircase when Sully saw Chaster he couldn't believe his eyes he knew it was Chaster once he saw him "Hello Sully" Chaster says walking right in front him "I know you remember me" He gives him a slight smirk. "What the hell you want Chaster" he starts getting a little mad. " Whats wrong my little Silver Wolf" of him smiling. " Whatever I'm leaving" as soon as he said this Chaster grabbed his wrist and yanked him back towards him "HA YOU THINK YOUR LEAVING" Sully slaps him but he's still a hold of him "GAH" Sully is screeching because he's being chocked one of Chaster's servants went to him and handed him a bat he pushes Sully onto the ground and hits him on the head with the bat as soon as he got up and Sully passed out and Chaster tied him up. What he wanted was complete.

Well this was one crazy chapter but I still hope you enjoyed we are just beginning

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