the embarresment

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When natsu and gray are asleep in their cribs ezra calls lucy.

Lucy: Hey erza whats up?

Erza: Been busy with the babies

Lucy:Wait erza u had kids?!?

Erza:Well.....kinda thats what i was calling u about i was wondering if u could watch natsy and gray for a couple hours.

Lucy:Uh...arnt they old enough to watch themselves.

Erza:Not anymore


Erza: thanks

Lucy: Alright see u then

About an hour later erza hears some rucuse coming from the babies room.  She gets up And heads up there to see whats going on.  Wheb erza entered the two boys were both whining  and throwing fits.  She walked over and put her finger in natsu diaper to see that he was indeed wet erza smiles as she picks natsu up and puts a pacifer in his mouth and carrys him over to the changing station.  She lays him down on it and untapes the wet diaper and she grabs a wipe and makes sure to clean him all over.  She then throws the wet diaper and the wipe away and powders natsu up and tapes up a cute Lion king diaper around his waist leaving him in just a diaper she then sets him down in the crib.

Natsu:What the hell?!? Its like i was paralyzed.

Erza:Gray its your turn baby boy.

Gray:dont fucking touch me.

Erza does the same thing with gray and when done sits him in the same crib as natsu as she looks down at them.

Erza:Alright since u both cursed u each get 5 spankies.


Erza starts with gray as she bends him over her knee and doesnt remove his diaper.  She smacks him 5 times and after shes done hes balling she bounces him up and down in her arms.

Erza: Shhh... Shhh its ok mommy"s sorry she says as she sets him back in the crib and does the same with natsu.

Natsy:Mommy...i-i..mean ezra.
Im hungry
Erza smiles

Erza:Ok il be right back...with your bottles.

Erza returns with two baby bottles giving 1 to each of them.
Erza:drink up
They both heisently drink the bottles.

Diapered Natsu And GrayWhere stories live. Discover now