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ok so first I want to say sorry. my wattpad app doesnt mix well with my wifi and I had trouble getting to my book to write. again I am so sorry.


                "Good morning riverdale, its going to be nice out today about 76° outside. Time to get up and...." finally I built up enough energy to turn off my stupid alarm clock, why I had it set to radio I would never know. its about 6:50 and I have about 45 minutes until I have to be at school. Im piper about 5'5 with waist length blond hair and ocean blue eyes, im pretty much your average looking female I guess im pretty attractive. I currently live with my drunken mother, just fantastic right. not. I cant really blame her though shes just one of those people who never found her mate. she just takes out out on everyone else but hey to each his own right.

Well currently im doing my regular boring ass routine getting ready for my boring ass day. Take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed.  seeing as im not the richest girl my outfit consists of a black fitted vneck , light jeans, and some black rubber sandals.  perfect. After throwing my long blond hair into a neat ponytail I head down stairs.

      "mom, im heading out" I yelled tward her bedroom door, hopefully she heard me. She used to be so amazing, we look a lot alike  except my hair is just blond while hers is dirty blond and my lips are slightly fuller. our difference really comes in body shes more of a model shape. shes about 5'7 almost no boobs and really slender. I love my mom more than anything,  she hits me, yeah but I see it different than others do. I could never hate my mother I understand to much to ever be that harsh. over the years iv come to understand that it isnt me its just that she hates its her and in order to love me she has to love herself first right? and I couldn't bear it if I were to hate her and something happened to her, it does me no good to hate her but I help her as much as I can. Its just the drinking, he god damn drinking! I hate it. when shes sober she is the sweetest mom in the world but give her a bottle and.. I cant even...

"piperrrrrrr... hello" sara chuckled, I glared at her for interrupting my thoughts "what babes?" I asked deciding not to ignore her, ignoring my annoyance she lightly pushed me by my shoulder "quit being so cranky buttface, you were the one staring into space like a wierdo" she laughed and I laughed lightly with her and pushed her back "well thank you for being so kind as to interrupt my important thoughts" rolling her eyes she retorted "you love me buttface" throwing an arm over my shoulder me and my best friend made our way into the building.

After 7 long ass periods I decided to skip last and head home, Im getting kindof worried about mom. I have to make sure she isnt drinking herself to death. sometimes I wonder if she were to stumble upon her mate what would he think of how she is now. shes beautiful thats a given but I personally find drinking a total turn off. I stop and take a look around and see the dollar store on the corner so im right around the corner from the house.

   "What would I do without your smart mouth..." john legend's all of me blares and scares the shit out of me. soon enough I realize its my phone and I pat myself down frantically till I find it in the side pocket of my bag.  my fathers picture flashes the screen "hey daddy" I greeted, "hey baby girl, hows it going " he replied "its going ok I guess, im headed home. did you need something?" I questioned "hows everything with your mom, is she doing ok?" really dad -_- "yes daddy shes fine I have to go love you. kisses" he took a second to reply " sorry I know sore subject, it was just a question. I love you to bye ill talk to you later " and with that I hung up.

    sighing, I unlocked the front door and let myself in.  "moma?" I yelled it was then that I took in my surroundings. beer bottles everywhere, boken glass, liquid stains on the walls "what the fuck" I wispered to myself kicking the dibree aside "mom" I repeated looking for her. soon enough I found her passed out on the bathroom floor and rushed to her aid. "mom?" i wispered worriedly to her brushing the bangs from her face, "mmm aagagma" was her drunkin reply causing my to roll my eyes "come on, lets get you out of the bathroom" I grumbled trying to pick her up, key word trying this woman is heavy as fuck to be so skinny.

   "mom seriously get up" I growled, im seriously starting to get pissed off. In response she pushed me "get off! leave me alone" she barked "no get up this is pathetic, what would your mate think. i love you but this is out of control" im tying to reason with her why cant she see that "dont you dare bring up my mate. how dare you, oh you think im pathetic. lets talk about you, you daddyless whore. " she hissed at me pushing my backwards till I felt my back against the wall. "you have no right to ever speak of a mate in this house, you have no clue what its like! and I have to look at you every damn day knowing you aren't his. hell I've never even met him, its probably your fault god damnitt!" she screamed. I quickly covered my face in order to block the punch she threw at me just then, but instead she she hit the wall and began to sob "he must have been so disappointed, he had to have seen me with you at some point and said that his mate was a dirty whore." I cautiously moved tward her as she continued to sob and babble on about her lost mate. running my fingers through her hair as she would do to me as a child I tried to reassure her "momma its noones fault.." I began but choked on my words as she turned tward me with black eyes clearly angry. oh my god, run. was my first thought but it would do no good she would catch up fairly quickly so I settled for staying froken in spot " noones fault" she bitterly laughed at me I even think she spit on me a little "really? because I seem to think it had to be something. dont tell me what to think, who are you to tell me anything. my mate. MY MATE is none of your concern. did you hear this from him?" silence "oh no dont get quiet now, speak" I didnt know what to say but I could steadily see her anger rising "oh now you have nothing to say. your the little bich with the mouth now tell me how wrong I am again. "m..m.mom..I" I shuddered trying to figure out what she wanted me to say. at that point she had my standing holding me by my shirt "m..m..mom..I" she mocked raising a brow at me clearly making fun of me bringing tears to my eyes. "oh so now you want to cry awww.. now whos pathetic" she  commented throwing me, walking away. I flew into the wall and went straight to the floor landing on my left arm. when I tried to use it to pick myself up I almost screamed from the pain. biting my lip and using my right arm to get up being careful to hold my left one close to my side I got up, and went straight for my cellphone.




....   "hello?"

     "daddy I need you".....

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