I Love You The Most <3

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February 13, a mother tucks her two children to sleep.

"Now remember, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. So, tomorrow, tell some you love that you love them. Okay?" She whispers to her 9 year old daughter and 7 year old son.

"Yes mommy." The children reply.

[The next night, February 14.]

The mother tucks her children in bed.

"So, who did as they were told?" The mother asks. Neither children respond. Then the girl looks up.

"Mommy, I love you." She says. The mother smiles sweetly. The boy pouts.

"Mommy! I love you more!" He shouts. Again, the mother smiles sweetly. But in her mind she wishes she could see her husband for Valentine's Day. She hears thumping of feet. She turns around and her eyes water.

"I love you the most." The man says, teary eyed and in his military uniform.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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