Chapter 14: Candy Cane Boy and Brocolli Bitch

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Third Person POV

*an hour and a half before going out to see Todoroki and Midoriya*

"Are you still sore? Does it still hurt" Kirishima spoke, interrupting the moment of silence.
"You can't expect me to be all better after a couple hours anyway there's still fucking forever until we gotta go." Bakugo snapped.

"Right. I was just reading a book about anatomy and that you can massage the achy spots to feel better." Kirishima tossed his book aside.
"Wanna give it a try?" Kirishima gestured Bakugo to lay on his stomach on the couch.

"What do I have to fucking lose?" Bakugo shrugged, hoping it might really work. He took his shirt off and pulled the waistband of his pants down to his tailbone.

Kirishima got up on to of him so he was sitting on Bakugo's ass. Kirishima, having no experience, decided he could wing it and hope it'll work.

Kirishima used his thumbs and started rubbing the lower section of Bakugo's back.
"Does it hurt here?" Kirishima asked, wanting to find the area that Bakugo was feeling pain and ache.
"Down lower." Bakugo instructed.

Kirishima moves his thumbs lower on his back. He started pushing down with his thumbs and rubbing in circular motions. Kirishima was trying to find a tender spot to focus on.

Kirishima finally thought he found Bakugo's sore and tender spot. He pressed down hard on that tensed are of his back.
"Hnngh~!" Bakugo muffled into the couch cushions.

"Uh-sorry, I must've pushed too hard." Kirishima retreated his hands almost immediately when Bakugo made that sound.
"Well, for once your dumbass ideas are doing some shit." Bakugo sat up,admitting his aching spot that Kirishima was messaging was feeling better.

"It worked!? Wow I'm surprised. Anyway I think we should start getting ready to head out." Kirishima was headed upstairs, Bakugo walked up along side him.

*time to meet candy cane boy and broccoli bitch~*

"Come on Bakugo, we gotta go!" Kirishima yelled from first floor up to second at Bakugo.
"Calm your shit! I'm comin' I'm comin'!" Bakugo sped down the stairs, nearly crashing into Kirishima and the bandages from his neck started becoming undone. Kirishima fixed it for him.

"How the fuck are we gonna get there and where the fuck are all the helpers!?" Bakugo slipped on his shoes.
"Probably downstairs or something, doesn't matter. We're walking to a nearby cafe to meet Todoroki and Midoriya." Kirishima opened the door for Bakugo to step out.

"Walking!? Damnit." Bakugo walked out, Kirishima followed behind him and shut the door. Just in case they were wondering, Kirishima left a note for the helpers saying they went out to meet Todoroki and Midoriya.

*the gays walked down the nearby cafe to meet up with other gays*

"Todoroki! Over here!" Kirishima yelled and waved once he saw Todoroki lingering by the cafe with Midoriya by his side.
"Hi Kirishima, who's that?" Todoroki gestured to Bakugo.
"Right! This is Bakugo Katsuki, my partner." Kirishima proudly introduced his wonderful, temperamental prize.

"Hi Bakugo, I'm Todoroki Shouto and he is..." Todoroki let Midoriya introduce himself.
"Midoriya Izuku." Midoriya smiled brightly.
Bakugo scowled at him 'I already hate them' Bakugo thought to himself.

"What happened there?" Midoriya asked Bakugo, pointing to his bandages neck.
"Him" Bakugo side glanced at Kirishima.

"What did you do?" Todoroki asked.
"I marked him...a little too hard." Kirishima chuckled and scratched his head nervously.
"That's the mark? I understand you have sharper teeth but that's a little extreme." Todoroki had no expression as he talked.

"I haven't seen it but I'd say it looks a lot different than my mark." Midoriya turned his back towards Kirishima and Bakugo. He lift up his hair that was covering his naked and revealed pinkish colored bite marks in a kinda of "O" shape.

" defiantly looks different than yours. Bakugo started to bleed, I bit pretty hard I guess." Kirishima felt bad again for hurting Bakugo.
"It's still a mark, hopefully the assessor will think so too." Todoroki set his hand on Kirishima's shoulder.

"Well, anyway let's catch up. Haven't seen you in a while." Kirishima brightened up his mood, he was glad to see his friend again.


The whole afternoon Kirishima and Todoroki were trying to have conversations but they kept being interrupted by Bakugo either yelling insults at Midoriya or Bakugo chasing him down. No one knew why, but from the moment they made eye contact, Bakugo developed a strong hatred for Midoriya in which he had done nothing wrong.


"I'm really sorry again Midoriya!" Kirishima apologized for Bakugo for the rude actions that were taken upon him.
"It's fine, really. I'm glad that you found someone you can be so...compatible with." Midoriya smiled kindly.

"Thanks for inviting us out Todoroki, let's meet up again sometime." Kirishima pat Todoroki's back.
"Yes, that was an exciting afternoon. Good luck with the assessor." Todoroki took Midoriya's hand.

"Hey, you too man! We're off now. Catch ya later!" Krishima pushed Bakugo back towards their house as Todoroki and Midoriya waved goodbye.

"What the hell is wrong with that green guy?" Bakugo growled, folding his arms.
"Nothing was wrong, are you still sore? We've been walking all day and I was getting worried that you might've been feeling worse." Kirishima asked with concern.

"I'm fine, gimme that massage that you did before when we get back." Bakugo scuffed his shoes against the road trail.
"Sure thing~" Kirishima was glad that he was being of help to Bakugo.

The two of them chatted the whole way back to the house. Kirishima unlocked the door with his key and without checking on the helpers he and Bakugo went up the stairs to Kirishima's bedroom.

Bakugo swung his shirt off and once again pulled his waistband to his tail bone, flopping down on his stomach in the bed. Kirishima sat up on Bakugo's ass and started kneading Bakugo's back with his hands.

"Hmm~" Bakugo hummed in satisfaction as he could feel his once tensed up muscles relax with Kirishima's touch.
"Feeling better~?" Kirishima asked in a flirtatious way though he didn't intended it to sound flirty.

Bakugo didn't answer Kirishima, instead he just enjoyed himself and drifted off to sleep despite the plenty of hours of shut eye he had gotten last night. Kirishima didn't realize Bakugo was asleep so he kept on pressing down on Bakugo's back and kneading any tender spots he found.

'I'm glad you're mine Bakugo Katsuki, I'm really glad you're mine.' Kirishima randomly thought to himself, it made him smile gleefully.

[Let me know if there's typos, I'll fix em and sorry there wasn't much TodoDeku to it but I'm tired as chicken dicks so I'm off to bed, night~!]

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