New Book Release Date!

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Hey Guys, sorry that i haven't been online much, just been working out some stuff for Book 4 and it is safe to say that Book 4 is finally in the making!!

It took me a while to figure out a name as well as have some art done by some amazing artists and it is all been sorted! Here are the details:

Series: You're The Soarin To My Dash

Title: She's coming

Short Description: After the wedding tradegy, Soarin flees to Australia. Rainbow Dash, angry as hell, Goes to track him down. (Thats all im giving out so far)

Date: Approximately 7 days or more.

Book Cover:.....

Amazing art by azuraskye ❤❤❤

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Amazing art by azuraskye ❤❤❤

So are you ready??? Stay tuned!

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