Book Description.

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Boruto Uzumaki

Last year was the year Naruto Uzumaki, his dad, became the Seventh Hokage. Now at the age of six, he is learning to live with just his mother, Hinata Uzumaki and his little sister, Himawari Uzumaki at home with his dad always being late or never coming home. He is starting to notice the strained bond beginning to grow between him and his dad. Boruto just wanted his dad's attention and to ask him more about his childhood past but cannot with his busy schedule.

His desire comes in the form of a scroll in which he found while cleaning his dad's old office at home.

Himawari Uzumaki

She was happy that her dad became the Seventh Hokage but she knew that with her dad becoming a leader of the village, there was going to be some sort of sacrifice. The sacrifice would be his time with her and her older brother Boruto. With this understanding, she tries to help both her mother and her brother. She knew very little about her dad's life as a child and would also like to know but she also knew that the Hokage's schedule will always be very busy. Himawari just wishes for her brother to be happy during such a hard time and would do anything to achieve it.

Her helping her brother with a scroll he found while cleaning their dad's office will fulfill her wish.

Sarada Uchiha

It's been two years since Sarada has last seen her Papa who left for a very important mission from the Sixth Hokage Kakashi Hatake. While playing with her friends she overhears something called the Uchiha Massacre. Sarada wants to know more but it seems to be a secret.

Her answer comes in the form of her blonde childhood friend and his mysterious scroll.


He's running. Running from the man who calls him his father. He was proud to be his son until he caught rumours about his so called parent. He runs to the only place that should hold the truth about his parents past. The village called Konoha. Mitsuki hopes that the truth would stop the never-ending questions plaguing his mind.

His hope comes from two other kids his age looking for answers.

Shikadai Nara

His father Shikamaru Nara, who is the Hokage's assistant, has never kept anything back about his childhood past. But when he asks about his sensei, Asuma Sarutobi, or his grandfather, Shikaku Nara, his dad would always change the subject. Shikadai tries to plan ways to make his dad say something about those two men who seem important in his life.

His plans form around a group of children who are later called his friends.

Chocho Akimichi

She thought she knew all about her parents but she never knew that her father, Choji Akimichi, used to be a shy child! Well, it was only because he hardly ever talked about his childhood. Chocho wonders how her father came to be the man she knows now.

Her wondering ends from her new friend who is known as the daughter of the last Uchiha and others.

Inojin Yamanaka

He knows that his father's childhood past was not something that his father would easily talk about. His mother, Ino Yamanaka, has told him a little bit about her childhood times with her father, Inoichi Yamanaka, his grandfather but he would like to know more about his dad. When he stumbles upon a drawing book in his dad's old stuff and asks him about it, his father takes the book and tells him that he would tell him later. With his fake smile. Which means he lied to him. Inojin goes to see his closest friends, Shikadai and Chocho while thinking about his dad's past.

His thoughts about his father's past ends from his new and old friends.

Metal Lee

His parents, Rock Lee and Tenten, would only tell parts of their childhood past but never in whole. He knows that they lost their friend and teammate, Neji Hyuga, who they grew up with during their Academy days, during the Forth Great Ninja War. Even though Metal understands that it is unyouthful to ask more as it hurts them but he would've liked to know more about his parents when they were his age.

His knowing of his parents past comes from a new group of friends in the park.

Book 1: Of The Past - Naruto & Boruto: Naruto Next GenerationsWhere stories live. Discover now