The Girls Of Rock
5 Girls, 1 Dream, 1 Chance, No looking Back.
Chapter 6
(Rox's POV)
We had been out partying for a while. I just sat at the back of the bar with Eve. I was sipping a Vodka and Apple Juice in Ice. I was watching Katie and Beth dance with CC and Jake I saw Ash dancing with some ramdom chick. Z had told me he was a player when I told her I kinda like him. She also said that if he hurt me she would put him on the wheel of death.
Our next show is at our home town we play in a feild in McCormick because it is the rulest area in South Carolina. I stoped think about our next set when Ash stated walking our way my breath cought in my throut. He was so perfect. He walked gracefully toward the table.
"Hey Rox you wanna dance?" He asked me.
"Ummm" I said when Eve elbowed me to say yes, "Okay." I said shyly taking his hand leting him lead me to the dance floor.
One of my favorite pop songs came on. I know what you are thinking. "What kind of girl in a Rock n Roll band listens to pop." While I do its 'Scream' by Usher. I love this song. I started dancing swaying my hips to the beat. I felt a strong pair of hands grab my waist and pull me towards his body. I knew it was Ashley and soon we started to grind on each other. To soon for my liking the song ended.
I started to get sleepy all this partying was getting to me, and I never had a drinking stomach. Z and Kate had the strong stomachs that could hold down anything unless you show them a dead body that is when everything comes out.
"Ash I think I'm a go to the tour buses and get Z so she can help me on a new song idea." I said luing through my teeth.
"Do you need someone to go with you?" Ash asked.
"Oh No I'll be fine." I said walking to the table to get my bag.
After I got my bag I left for the tour bus.
(Beth's POV)
I watched Rox grab her bag and leave the club. I walked over to Ash who was watching Rox's butt till she got out off sight. I politely did what Z did every once and a while I slapped him upside his head. It wasn't as hard as Z's but it was afective.
"You really can't see how much she likes you?" I asked the dumb fuck standing in-front of me.
"I can see it I just don't wanna hurt her." Ash replied looking at the ground sadly.
"Man up. Unicorn. Your hurting her by not showing her you like her too." I said.
"Yeah. Wait unicorn??" He said giving me a quizzical look.
"That is your new nickname, but that is besides the point. Follow her go before I can Z and tell her you made her cry." I said laughing at him as he ran out of the club following Rox.
I felt arms around my waist. I looked up and saw CC pulling me back into his crest.
"That was a nice thing ya did there." He said burying his head into my neck.
"Well I had to do it or Z would. You can see where that would have went." I said.
"Yeah I could have seen that" He said.
I shivered as his breath tickled my neck.
I turned around and put my arms around his neck just as a slow song came on. I rested my head on his chest and slowed danced with him.
(Z's POV)
"Andy why the fuck is Barney standing in the doorway of your bus?" I asked Andy.
"Well there are two answers to that question. 1) Its Matt Good in a Barney Costom. 2) Its a Danny from Asking in a Barney Costom. I think its number 1. Whats your guess Music?" Andy asked looking at me.
"I don't know lets find out." I stoud up and walked to Barney and ripped the head off.
Well both our guess were right it was Matt and Danny.
"Don't tell me why I already know. You guys are going gay together." I said looking between the to of them.
The looked at each other and screamed, "Ewwww NO!!!" by that time Andy and I were on the ground laughing.
I looked behind the idots to see a very confused and upset Rox.
Hoped y'all liked it
It is very hot in my room
Sun Sun go away come again another day.
My arm hurts I pitched 2 games on Wensday.
I went to carowinds on Thursday.
I have a free week next week.
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The Girls Of Rock (Black Veil Brides Fan-Fiction)
FanfictionThe story of the all girl band Louder Than Noise's first Warped Tour. They meet the hotness that is the band Black Veil Brides. How will things go?