The Girls Of Rock
5 Girls, 1 Dream, 1 Chance, No Looking Back
Chapter 4
(Ashley’s POV)
The boys and I had to decided to go for a walk because it was our day off. We were walking past tour buses and looking at the different bands tour buses, but I could not stop thinking about that Rox one of the girls from Louder Than Noise. Just as I started to think of her again we were walking passed their tour bus.
“Hey, you guys wanna go talk to Louder Than Noise?” Andy asked.
The rest said a chorus of yeah and cools. We walked over to the tour bus and CC knocked on the door. Eve opened the door.
“Oh hey guys would you like to come in?” Eve asked.
“Sure.” said Jinxx.
We walked into the livingroom on their bus and saw the other girls on the couch watching tv.
(Z’s POV)
Eve went and answered the door and she walked back in with Black Veil Brides behind her. we all looked over from the Spongebob we were watching. The walked and sat were seats were available. Andy just had to sit beside me and he put his fugden’ arm around my shoulders. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! Some times that boy gets on my nerves.
“Hey guys you wanna play never have I ever?” Beth asked out of nowhere.
“Sure that would be fun.” CC said jumping excitedly in his seat.
“I don’t know guys you know what happened last time. Our parents walked and we were all grounded for 2 months.” I reminded the girls.
“What did they walk in on y’all doing.” Andy asked.
“Well we used sprite and Beth said ‘Never have I ever made out with boy’ and the only people who didn’t drink were Beth and Rox. Our moms were watching the whole time. So yeah but they got grounded with us.” Katie said.
“So are we gonna play or not?” Ashley asked.
“I guess.” I said getting up to go get the apple juice and cups.
When I came back Eve poured the equal amounts of juice into the cups. Once everyone got their cups we started to play.
“I wanna go first.” Rox said.
“Never have I ever gotten lower than a C on a report card.” Rox said.
All the boys drunk to that one.
After Rox was Ashley.
“Never have I ever dated a southern person.” Ashley said.
I expected him to say something perverted, but I guess he changed his mind. Kate, Eve, and Me all drank to that one.
None of the boys did.
Next was Beth.
“Never have I ever kissed a boy.” Beth said. Kate, Eve, and me drunk once again.
The boys didn’t drink because of the boy part in the statement.
Next was CC.
“Never have I ever did drugs.” CC said.
Nobody drunk to that one.
Next was Andy.
“Never have I ever had sex with a boy.” said Andy.

The Girls Of Rock (Black Veil Brides Fan-Fiction)
FanficThe story of the all girl band Louder Than Noise's first Warped Tour. They meet the hotness that is the band Black Veil Brides. How will things go?